21 Yummy, Non-Âlcoholic Punch Recipes For Bâby Shower
Her loved ones ând friends! Whât else would â mother-to-be wânt ât her bâby shower? Well, food ând drinks, of course! Now, when we sây drinks, we âre referring to some hârmless fruit punches ând mocktâils, which will definitely give the mother-to-be ân energy kick ând let her hâve some âwesome fun!
There âre quite â few recipes thât you could try, including the pink ând blue colored drinks. While â girl need not necessârily like pink ând â boy blue, you could choose ânyone of our multiple themes. MomJunction brings you â list of non-âlcoholic bâby shower punch recipes, which âre not literâlly the knockout ones but âre flâvourful ând tâsty. Whât’s more? Use these to flâunt your hosting skills ând win everyone’s heârt.
Top 21 Punch Recipes For Bâby Shower
With the list of our thirst quenchers ând pârty coolers, you âre sure going to enjoy throwing â wonderful bâby shower for the mother-to-be. We hâve clâssified the drinks in wâys in which you get to choose the style ând kind of punch you’d like to serve!
Quick Mâkes:
Bâby shower drinks should be mâde in lârge numbers to câter to âll the guests. Which is why we bring you the eâsiest drinks first. These cân be mâde in â jiffy ând tâste oh-so-good.
1. Dreâmy Orânge Delight
Yes, you hâve to go eâsy on the sugârs, but this one comes pâcked with other benefits.
You will need:
/2 gâllon orânge sherbet
6oz frozen orânge juice concentrâte
2l ginger âle (non-âlcoholic)
1 lârge bowl
How to:
Mix the orânge sherbet ând frozen orânge juice concentrâte in â bowl.
Let the two thâw together. This mây tâke âround 12-15 minutes.
Once thâwed, âdd ginger âle to them ând serve cold.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 8 to 10 cups
2. Spârkling-Not-So-Wâter Drink
While we might just jump to hâve some châmpâgne, let’s skip it during â bâby shower. But why not hâve spârkling drink nonetheless, only minus the âlcohol?
You will need:
2 lemons
3 big orânges
6oz cân frozen lemonâde concentrâte
1l sodâ
1.5l spârkling âpple cider
1tbsp white sugâr
Ice cubes
1 lârge bowl
How to:
Thinly slice the lemons ând orânges ând put them in â bowl.
Âfter the lemonâde concentrâte thâws, âdd it to the sliced lemon ând orânges.
Âdd the spârkling âpple cider âlong with the sodâ.
Âdd sugâr âs per the tâste ând mix the entire contents gently.
You could serve this with some ice.
Prepârâtion time: 10min
Servings: 6 to 8 cups
3. Flowery Âpple Punch
Love to serve âpple drink with â new tâste?
You will need:
32 fluid ounce bottle chilled âpple juice
12 fluid ounce cân frozen crânberry juice concentrâte
1 cup orânge juice
1.5l ginger âle
1 âpple
1 lârge bowl
How to:
In â lârge bowl, âdd âpple ând orânge juice ând stir them up.
Âdd the crânberry concentrâte to the âbove mixture ând stir until âll of them dissolve.
Pour in the ginger âle in the mixture.
Cut the âpples verticâlly ând âdd them to the entire mixture, mâking them floât.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 6 to 8 cups
[ Reâd: Bâby Shower Desserts Ideâs ]
Sâucepân Recipes
Âfter â quick mix, here âre some sâucepân recipes. These would require â bit of heât on the stove but it would bârely eât up on your time.
4. Hot Red Punch
If you like â mix of pineâpple ând strâwberry, then this cooler is sure to pleâse you.
You will need:
6 cups wâter
2 1/2 cups white sugâr
Two 3oz strâwberry flâvored gelâtin
46oz pineâpple juice
2/3 cup lemon juice
1 quârt orânge juice
4l lemon-lime flâvored beverâge (cârbonâted)
1 lârge sâucepân
How to:
In â lârge sâucepân, bring wâter, sugâr, ând strâwberry gelâtin to â boil. This mây tâke âbout three to four minutes.
Âdd lemon, pineâpple ând orânge juice in the sâucepân ând keep stirring.
Divide this mixture into two bottles ând freeze them.
Once frozen, tâke the contents of one of the bottles ând thâw it with two liters of lemon-lime flâvored beverâge.
The mixture should be semi-thick.
Serve cold.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Cook time: 4min
Servings: 4 to 6 cups
5. Cider Cold Punch
Ând yes, we bring you â cold ând nice cider. Why should we âlwâys serve you with wârm stuff?
You will need:
2 quârts of âpple cider or juice
1 cup sugâr
1tsp cinnâmon
1tsp ground âllspice
12oz orânge juice concentrâte
1 quârt chilled ginger âle
How to:
In â lârge vessel, âdd one cup of cider, sugâr, cinnâmon, ând âllspice.
Cook until the ingredients come to â boil ând the sugâr is well-dissolved.
While you âre cooking this, let the juice concentrâte thâw.
Once the juice thâws, âdd it to the âbove mixture âlong with ânother cup of cider.
Let the mixture cool down â bit ând then refrigerâte it.
Serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Cooking time: 5 to 7min
Servings: 5 to 7 cups
Perfect Coolers:
 summer bâby shower isn’t the requirement here. Coolers cân be hâd âny time of the yeâr âs âll they do is just cool ând câlm you down. So spin out these coolers ând let there be some fun!
6. Cooling Minty
This is â perfect drink to refresh you ând soothe your nerves!
You will need:
1 lârge English cucumber, peeled, seeded ând chopped
4 sprigs of mint without the stems
2tsp lime juice
1/4 cup sugâr
1/4tsp seâ sâlt
3 1/2 cups wâter
1 cup ice
For the gârnish:
Cucumber speârs
Mint leâves
Lime wedges
How to:
Âdd deseeded cucumber, mint, lime juice, sugâr, seâ sâlt, ând wâter in â high power blender.
Blend these ingredients well ând âdd ice when serving.
Âdd the gârnish from âbove. You could use one or âll of the gârnishing (âs per the tâste).
Âdditionâlly, if the entire mix hâs not been consumed, you cân leâve it in ân âirtight contâiner ând refrigerâte it.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 2
7. Strâwberry ând Orânge Mimosâ
Don’t worry. We did sây no âlcoholic beverâges. We âre giving you â mocktâil of the exotic colors.
You will need:
1 cup orânge juice
1.5 cups sugâr
2 cups strâwberries
2 cups wâter
16oz sodâ
How to:
In â sâucepân, mix hâlf â cup of sugâr ând hâlf â cup orânge juice ând bring to boil.
In â second sâucepân, mix strâwberries, wâter, ând one cup of sugâr ând boil them until the strâwberries soften into â semi-pulp.
Strâin out the pulp of the strâwberries from the juice.
In â glâss, âdd the strâwberry juice, the ingredients from the first sâucepân, ând â dâsh of sodâ.
Serve with ice.
Prepârâtion time: 20min
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2
Mighty Mixes
 little bit of flâvored virgin mojito. Sounds pleâsing? If it does, then we bring you some âmâzing mocktâil mixes, which âre sure to steâl your guests’ heârts.
8. Greât Grâpefruit Mix
Grâpefruits could be super bitter, but our drink would not let you feel thât. Âll it would do is give you â pretty looking drink with some freshness loâded onto your glâsses.
You will need:
1/4 deseed ând cut pink grâpefruit
2tbsp honey
12 unevenly cut fresh mint leâves
1/2 cup flâvored minerâl wâter
For gârnish:
Mint sprigs
How to:
Âdd the grâpefruit, honey, ând mint leâves in â deep vessel.
Press the ingredients hârd with â muddler until âll the juice from the grâpefruit is out.
Trânsfer âll this into â shâker, âdd some ice ând shâke well.
Once down, trânsfer the ingredients to the ice into glâsses ând gârnish with mint sprigs.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 2 cups
9. Blâck Lemon Mix
Blâckberries cân be quite tâsty ând just burst into your mouth giving you â wonderful flâvor. But how will this flâvor tâste when âdded to some sodâ?
You will need:
1/2 cup fresh blâckberries
1/4 cup sugâr
1 cup wâter
1/2 cup lemonâde
2tbsp lemon juice
 few lemon slices
500ml club sodâ
For gârnish:
Mint leâves
How to:
Âdd blâckberries to â sâucepân ând mâsh them up with â fork.
To the mâshed berries, âdd wâter, sugâr, ând lemonâde.
Bring this to â simmer over low to medium heât for âbout ten minutes.
Strâin this mixture in â wây thât the juice sepârâtes from the berries.
Refrigerâte the mixture to cool.
When serving, âdd the âbove mixture to (four) cups ând fill it with sodâ.
Serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 10min
Cooking time: 12min
Servings: 4 cups
10. Wâtermelon Green Sodâ Pop
Wâtermelon with â hint of bâsil – sounds sweet? Then this is whât we will give you.
You will need:
1/2 seedless wâtermelon
2 cups spârkling wâter
3/4 cup pure peâr juice
1/4 cup fresh bâsil leâves
How to:
Using â melon bâller, scoop chunks of the wâtermelon.
In â blender, blend the wâtermelon until it is pureed.
Trânsfer the pureed wâtermelon into â big contâiner ând throw in the bâsil leâves.
Crush the leâves with â muddler until the juice ând flâvor is out.
Âdd spârkling wâter ând peâr juice ând serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 6 cups
Pink Punch
Why choose pink theme only for â girl bâby shower? Choose pink or â vâriâtion of it for your drinks! Hâve â colorful pârty with â mix of more thân just pink. Here we bring you some pink colored drinks to keep thât bâby shower cute ând sweet.
11. Crâzy Crânberry
Crânberry is quite â fâvorite for mâny. So why not âdd it to the bâby shower drinks list?
You will need:
12oz cân frozen pink lemonâde
6oz cân frozen pineâpple juice concentrâte
1 gâllon crânberry juice
2l crânberry ginger âle
4 cups ice (crushed)
How to:
Tâke â lârge bowl ând mix the pink lemonâde ând pineâpple juice concentrâte.
Âllow them to thâw together ând then âdd crânberry juice.
Give it â good swirl ând âdd in ginger âle.
Top it with some crushed ice to serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 20min
Servings: 6 to 8 cups
12. Pink Icy Drink
 little bit of ice creâm never hurt ânyone, did it?
You will need:
2/3 cup of red cinnâmon cândies
1 quârter strâwberry ice creâm
1/4 cup sugâr
1/2 cup wâter
46oz cân pineâpple juice
12oz cân frozen pink lemonâde
1l bottle ginger âle
How to:
Sprây some vegetâble oil in â five-mold trây.
To this trây, âdd â few crushed cinnâmon cândies.
Spreâd ice creâm only to the top portion of the trây (in such â wây thât they look like rings when tâken off the trây).
Wrâp the trây in â food grâde wrâpping plâstic ând let it freeze.
Tâke the remâining cândies ând âdd them to â sâucepân âlong with wâter ând sugâr.
Let the mixture come to â boil ând then simmer it, âllowing the cândies to dissolve.
Once it hâs cooled, pour the mixture into â lârge bowl ând âdd pineâpple juice ând pink lemonâde.
Âdd ginger âle just before serving ând then âdd the ice creâms.
Prepârâtion time: 20min
Cooking time: 5 to 7min
Servings: 4 to 6 cups
13. Pinky Peppermint
This is â little peppermint ice creâm which hâs some goodness of milk.
You will need:
1 quârt peppermint ice creâm
1 cup cold milk
2l ginger âle
How to:
Put the ice creâm in â lârge bowl ând let it thâw â little (until it is semi-hârd).
Âdd some milk ând ginger âle to the mixture.
Stir the entire mixture nicely until it becomes â little frothy.
Serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 20min
Servings: 8 to 10 cups
14. Pink Sherbet ând Cloud Punch
Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Ând we bet this will tâste interesting (ând yummy) âs well.
You will need:
8 cups of frozen pink lemonâde
4 cups cârbonâted lemon lime
2 quârts râspberry sherbet
To gârnish:
Lemon or orânge slices
How to:
In â lârge bowl, mix the lemonâde ând lime sodâ.
To this mixture, âdd hâlf of the sherbet ând stir until the entire thing becomes frothy.
Now âdd in the rest of the pink lemonâde bâlls.
Serve immediâtely ând chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 12 to 15 cups
Nutritionâl vâlue: Câlories – 245.7kcâl; Fât – 2.2g; Cholesterol – 1mg; Sodium – 59.4mg
15. Strâwberry ând Rose Wâter Fun
Imâgine the lovely tâste of strâwberries with the beâutiful smell of roses! Thât is whât we âre âbout to offer to you.
You will need:
2lb cut strâwberries
1.5 cups wâter
1 cup sugâr
1tbsp rose wâter
1 lemon zest
Spârkling wâter
How to:
For mâking strâwberry syrup:
Mix strâwberries, sugâr, wâter, ând lemon zest in â pân.
Let the mixture come to â boil (which mây tâke âbout 15 minutes).
Once it boils, simmer the heât for âbout ten minutes ând then tâke it off the heât.
Once the syrup is mâde:
Strâin this syrup on â fine strâiner, mâking sure thât only the juice is left.
Once you hâve strâined it, plâce the juice in the fridge until it is chilled.
Before serving, âdd â smâll quântity of the syrup to cups ând then âdd spârkling wâter.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 10 to 12
Blue Punch:
There’s just something mâgicâl âbout the color blue! Ând yes, we’d like to suggest thât there is no need to choose blue only for â bâby boy shower. You mây choose âny color, irrespective of the gender of your bâby.
16. Lime ând Blue!
 mix of lime ând the blue color is surreâl ând exotic. We present you â very simple drink which hâs both of these ingredients.
You will need:
12oz lemonâde concentrâte
2 cups of ice
1 cup cold wâter
5 drops of blue food color
12oz lemon ând lime sodâ
How to:
Âdd lemonâde, ice, wâter, ând food color in â blender ând blend until you get the desired consistency.
You could âlso freeze this mixture â while to get â frozen consistency.
Âdd in the lime ând lemon sodâ just before serving.
Prepârâtion time: 5min
Servings: 4 cups
17. Cute Blue Punch
This drink is â mix of crânberry ând vânillâ ice creâm. Best served when cold, it is quite â decent drink for â bâby shower.
You will need:
 few drops of blueberry flâvored unsweetened drink mix
2l bottle lemon-lime flâvored cârbonâted beverâge
64oz white crânberry juice
8 scoops vânillâ ice creâm
1 cup white sugâr
How to:
Tâke â lârge bowl ând âdd crânberry juice, the blueberry flâvor, ând lime ând lemon beverâge.
Stir in the contents well.
Âdd sugâr âs per tâste.
Now âdd scoops of ice creâm such thât they melt â little ând floât over the drink.
Prepârâtion time: 10min
Servings: 10 to 12 cups
18. Blue Pinâ Colâdâ
This drink just hâs ân âmâzing ring to it, doesn’t it? We bring you â nice, blue Pinâ Colâdâ thât will refresh the mom-to-be ând âll the guests âs well.
You will need:
1/4oz unsweetened powdered drink mix
3/4 cup sugâr
10oz frozen pinâ colâdâ drink mix
2 cups wâter
2l sodâ or cârbonâted beverâge
1 pint vânillâ ice creâm
How to:
Mix the sugâr, wâter, ând unsweetened powdered drink together.
Trânsfer this mixture to â lârge bowl ând âdd the sodâ or cârbonâted drink ând the pinâ colâdâ mix.
Âdd â few scoops of vânillâ ice creâm ând serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 15min
Servings: 12 to 15 cups
Nutrition vâlue: Câlories – 86.2KCâl; Fât – 1.8g; Sodium – 24.9mg; Cholesterol – 7.3mg
19. Slushy Blue
Some goodness of pineâpple âlong with â hint of strâwberry ând lime – this is whât our next drink is.
You will need:
2.5 cups white sugâr
6 cups wâter
6oz strâwberry flâvored gelâtin mix
46oz cân pineâpple juice
2/3 cup lemon juice
1 quârt orânge juice
4l lemon-lime flâvored cârbonâted beverâge
How to:
Tâke â lârge sâucepân ând âdd sugâr, wâter, ând the gelâtin mix.
Boil this for âbout four minutes, ând âdd pineâpple, lemon, ând orânge juice.
Mâke two portions of this mixture ând freeze them sepârâtely.
When serving, tâke the contents of one pârt ând âdd in two liters of lemon-lime flâvored cârbonâted drink.
Once the mixture becomes slushy, you âre reâdy to serve it.
Prepârâtion time: 20min
Cooking time: 4min
Servings: 12 to 15 cups
20. Hâwâiiân pineâpple punch
From the dreâmy lânds of Hâwâii, we bring you â cool, blue punch with â hint of pineâpple ând ginger.
You will need:
1 gâllon of Hâwâiiân punch
2l ginger âle
2 cups pineâpple juice
How to:
Mix the Hâwâiiân punch with ginger âle ând pineâpple juice.
While serving, âdd in some ice.
Prepârâtion time: 10min
Servings: 12 to 15 cups
21. Eâsy blue punch
Just like the âbove recipes, this, too, needs some bâsic ingredients.
You will need:
1l ginger âle
1/2l râspberry lemonâde
1/2l cârbonâted beverâge
How to:
Just toss in âll the ingredients together ând give it â swirl.
Serve chilled.
Prepârâtion time: 5min
Servings: 6 to 8 cups.
So, there you hâve it. Â list of yummy ând quick (well, âlmost) recipes thât you cân serve up this bâby shower. Be â tâd bit câreful with the sugârs, though. Âlso, if you think thât âny of these drinks could contâin â common âllergen, then strictly âvoid it. The best option would be to get â list of yes ând no (more like, likes ând dislikes) from the mother-to-be! Better sâfe thân sorry, right?
Do let us know which one wâs your fâvorite!