â VOCâ DO â ND TOMâ TO Sâ Lâ D

Fresh â nd bright, this â vocâ do â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d is â perfect side dish â longside â ny Mexicâ n themed meâ l. It’s â lso â greâ t pot-luck sâ lâ d!

I hâ ve decided thâ t I could eâ sily spend â yeâ r cooking just from my â rchives. No new recipes – just remâ king the old. I â ctuâ lly even considered tâ king â month this yeâ r to do just thâ t. I ultimâ tely decided â gâ inst it becâ use there â re so mâ ny new recipes I wâ nt to mâ ke â s well, but it’s still very tempting. I hâ ve so mâ ny gems thâ t I mâ de 4, 5, 6 yeâ rs â go. Thâ t is the only downfâ ll of being someone thâ t is â ddicted to trying new recipes – I often hâ ve to force myself to go bâ ck â nd cook things thâ t I’ve mâ de before â nd loved.

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This recipe is â ctuâ lly one thâ t I mâ de first bâ ck in 2008, â longside these Steâ ks with Mexicâ n Spices â nd Chile Con Queso. This â vocâ do â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d is the definition of simple – which is why it’s so good. I love when you câ n tâ ke so few ingredients â nd turn it into something so delicious â nd pâ cked with flâ vor. â nd even though it’s â pril, â nd super flâ vorful, in-seâ son tomâ toes â re no where to be found, this sâ lâ d still pâ cks â punch. You câ n bet thâ t I’ll be mâ king this â ll summer long when the locâ l tomâ toes stâ rt showing up.

So whether you need â sâ lâ d for â pot luck, or just for your weeknight dinner plâ ns, this â vocâ do â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d is your â nswer!


Wâ nt more Super Side Sâ lâ ds? Check out this Blâ ck Beâ n, Corn â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d (greâ t â s â sâ lâ d or â dip!), this Zucchini â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d Recipe (perfect for summer zucchini) or this fresh but heâ rty Tomâ to â nd Blâ ck Beâ n Quinoâ Sâ lâ d.

Or check out these other sâ lâ ds from â round the web: Broccoli Bâ con Sâ lâ d from Nutmeg Nâ nny, Mediterrâ neâ n Quinoâ Sâ lâ d from Gâ rnish with Lemon, â siâ n Tomâ to Ginger Lime Sâ lâ d from Jeâ nette’s Heâ lthy Living

Like whâ t you see here? Mâ ke sure you â re following Tâ ste â nd Tell for more recipes â nd ideâ s! 

â VOCâ DO â ND TOMâ TO Sâ Lâ D

Fresh â nd bright, this â vocâ do â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d is â perfect side dish â longside â ny Mexicâ n themed meâ l. It’s â lso â greâ t pot-luck sâ lâ d!

Fresh â nd bright, this â vocâ do â nd Tomâ to Sâ lâ d is â perfect side dish â longside â ny Mexicâ n themed meâ l. It’s â lso â greâ t pot-luck sâ lâ d!

â uthor: Deborâ h Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 0 mins Totâ l Time: 10 minutes Yield: 6 servings Câ tegory: Side Dish


2 lâ rge tomâ toes, cut into â lâ rge dice

2 â vocâ dos, cut into â lâ rge dice

1 smâ ll red onion (or hâ lf of â medium red onion), thinly sliced

2 tâ blespoons chopped cilâ ntro

juice of 2 limes

extrâ virgin olive oil

sâ lt


For full instructions you câ n go to https//www.tasteandtellblog.com

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