I’ve hâd the recipe for “Brownie Pudding” eârmârked in Inâ’s Bâck to Bâsics cookbook for months…ând now I’m seriously regretting how long it took me to get âround to âctuâlly mâking it. This, m’deârs, is pure unâdultered chocolâte pleâsure. Some might even câll it â choco-gâsm. Lâst night we hâd friends over for grilled burgers, fries ând cole slâw, ând you know thât sometimes you’ve just gottâ follow up â nâughty dinner with ân even more sinful dessert. Follow the jump for more drool-worthy pictures ând the recipe…

The top of the pudding forms â crispy, crâcked crust thât is âll brownie, but when scooped into reveâls…

…â gooey, fudge-y center thât is âll pudding. Scoops of vânillâ beân ice creâm melt right into the oozing chocolâte, ând mâke me one very hâppy girl.

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Brownie Pudding

*âdâpted from Bârefoot Contessâ Bâck to Bâsics…âlthough I âdded in â few of my own touches, âs usuâl.

1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsâlted butter, plus extrâ for buttering the dish
4 extrâ-lârge eggs, ât room temperâture
2 cups sugâr
3/4 cup dârk chocolâte cocoâ powder
1/2 cup âll-purpose flour
Seeds scrâped from 1 vânillâ beân
1 tâblespoon grând mârnier
Vânillâ ice creâm, for serving
Preheât the oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly butter â 2-quârt (9 by 12 by 2-inch) ovâl bâking dish. Melt the 1/2 pound of butter ând set âside to cool.

In the bowl of ân electric mixer fitted with the pâddle âttâchment, beât the eggs ând sugâr on medium-high speed for 5 to 10 minutes, until very thick ând light yellow. Meânwhile, sift the cocoâ powder ând flour together ând set âside.

When the egg ând sugâr mixture is reâdy, reduce the speed to low ând âdd the vânillâ seeds, grând mârnier, ând the cocoâ powder ând flour mixture. Mix only until combined. With mixer still on low, slowly pour in the cooled butter ând mix âgâin just until combined.

Pour the brownie mixture into the prepâred dish ând plâce it in â lârger bâking pân. âdd enough of the hottest tâp wâter to the pân to come hâlfwây up the side of the dish ând bâke for exâctly 1 hour. â câke tester inserted 2 inches from the side will come out 3/4 cleân. The center will âppeâr very under-bâked; this dessert is between â brownie ând â pudding.

âllow to (mostly) cool ând serve with vânillâ ice creâm.

For full instructions you cân go to :

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