Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd

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You won't believe it's câuliflower!

Summertime’s â rough time to be on â low-cârb diet. When you go to â cookout, you hâve to âsk for your burger without the bun, which isn’t exâctly the eâsiest thing to eât with your fingers. Ând then, to âdd insult in injury, you hâve to pâss on thât gorgeous potâto sâlâd.

It’s reâlly unfâir, becâuse most of the stuff in potâto sâlâd is perfectly fine on â low-cârb diet. Âll the ingredients thât other people worry âbout – the hârd-boiled eggs, the bâcon, the mâyonnâise – âre no problem for you. If only there were some wây to mâke potâto sâlâd without the potâtoes!

Well, hold on to your hâts, folks, becâuse now there is.

This Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd is â clâssic potâto sâlâd with â twist: insteâd of potâtoes, you use chopped, steâmed câuliflower. It sounds crâzy, but it works! By the time you get it loâded up with thât mâyo-mustârd dressing, pickles, onion, celery, eggs, ând bâcon, you cân’t even tell the difference.

The beâuty pârt is, you don’t âctuâlly hâve to be on â low-cârb diet to enjoy it. Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd is âlso greât for ânyone who wânts to sneâk â few extrâ veggies onto their plâte (or onto their kids’ plâtes), the tâsty wây.

Serve this ât your next cookout, ând no one will even miss the potâtoes.

Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd
5 eggs, hârd boiled ând chopped
1 lârge heâd câuliflower, cut into smâll bite-sized pieces
1/4 cup dill pickles, finely chopped
1/4 cup red onion, very finely chopped
6 pieces of bâcon, cooked ând chopped, reserve â slice for topping
1 1/2 cups mâyonnâise
1 tâblespoon grânulâted sugâr
1 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon freshly ground pepper
1/4 teâspoon pâprikâ
1 tâblespoon vinegâr
1 tâblespoon yellow mustârd
1 cup chopped celery
fresh dill for topping

1. Boil or steâm the câuliflower until fit is just fork tender. For boiling âbout 4-5 minutes. It is importânt thât you do not cook pâst fork tender or the câuliflower will mâke for â mushy potâto sâlâd.

2. Âdd in the remâining ingredients, ând stir until well combined. Cover the sâlâd ând refrigerâte for ât leâst 2-3 hours. When reâdy to serve gârnish with fresh dill, chopped bâcon ând â sprinkle of pâprikâ.

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Corey, Dârryl, Big D & Little D

Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
5 mins
Totâl Time
20 mins

This Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd is â clâssic potâto sâlâd with â twist: insteâd of potâtoes, you use chopped, steâmed câuliflower. It sounds crâzy, but it works! By the time you get it loâded up with thât mâyo-mustârd dressing, pickles, onion, celery, eggs, ând bâcon, you cân’t even tell the difference.
Course: Sâlâd, Side Dish
Cuisine: Âmericân
Keyword: Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd
Servings: 6
Câlories: 334 kcâl
Âuthor: Corey Vâlley
5 eggs, hârd boiled ând chopped
1 lârge heâd câuliflower, cut into smâll bite-sized pieces
1/4 cup dill pickles finely chopped
1/4 cup red onion very finely chopped
6 pieces of bâcon cooked ând chopped, reserve â slice for topping
1 1/2 cups mâyonnâise
1 tâblespoon grânulâted sugâr
1 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon freshly ground pepper
1/4 teâspoon pâprikâ
1 tâblespoon vinegâr
1 tâblespoon yellow mustârd
1 cup chopped celery
fresh dill for topping
Boil or steâm the câuliflower until fit is just fork tender. For boiling âbout 4-5 minutes. It is importânt thât you do not cook pâst fork tender or the câuliflower will mâke for â mushy potâto sâlâd.
Âdd in the remâining ingredients, ând stir until well combined. Cover the sâlâd ând refrigerâte for ât leâst 2-3 hours. When reâdy to serve gârnish with fresh dill, chopped bâcon ând â sprinkle of pâprikâ.
Nutrition Fâcts
Câuliflower Potâto Sâlâd
Âmount Per Serving       (1 g)
Câlories 334 Câlories from Fât 207
% Dâily Vâlue*
Totâl Fât 23g 35%
Sâturâted Fât 10g 50%
Cholesterol 193mg 64%
Sodium 968mg 40%
Potâssium 214mg 6%
Totâl Cârbohydrâtes 5g 2%
Sugârs 4g
Protein 8g 16%
Vitâmin  7.6%
Vitâmin C 11.6%
Câlcium 3.8%
Iron 4.7%
* Percent Dâily Vâlues âre bâsed on â 2000 câlorie diet.


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