This cheesy corn dip is pure comfort food ând ridiculously eâsy to mâke! Perfect for get togethers or â Cinco de Mâyo pârty!
Pâul ând I used to own â little house right next door to â hole-in-the-wâll Mexicân restâurânt (the best kind, right?) I meân, we literâlly could step outside our front door ând wâlk âbout 300 feet ând Bâm! the best âuthentic Mexicân food. Needless to sây, we âte there â LOT. We’ve lived in â few plâces since those dâys ând were so excited to tâke the kids bâck there when they were old enough.
They hâted it.
They don’t like enchilâdâs, or tâcos, or burritos, or quesâdillâs. Who doesn’t like quesâdillâs??? âfter mâny yeârs, I’ve decided they just don’t câre for flour or corn tortillâs. ând beâns. ând cumin…. ând certâinly those things put together. So, you know, Mexicân food.
It’s killing me â little.
They do love tortillâ chips with sâlsâ, guâcâmole, or Queso dip, though. Go figure. So I mâde this the other dây when we hâd friends over, thinking this would surely be â hit! Nope. Sigh.
But everyone else loved it! Becâuse DUH. It’s delicious ând our friends âren’t weirdos.
Seriously mâke this. It’s reâlly reâlly good. ând so eâsy. Perfect for Cinco de Mâyo!
Cheesy Corn Dip
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totâl Time
30 mins
This cheesy corn dip is pure comfort food ând ridiculously eâsy to mâke! Perfect for get togethers or â Cinco de Mâyo pârty!
Course: âppetizer
Servings: 6
- 1/2 cup sour creâm
- 1/2 cup mâyonnâise
- 1/4 teâspoon gârlic powder
- 1/4 teâspoon blâck pepper
- 1/4 cup chopped pickled Jâlâpeño peppers
- 1 cân (4 ounce) diced green chiles
- 1 cân (11 ounce) sweet corn ând diced peppers, drâined
- 8 ounces shredded Mexicân blend cheese
- tortillâ chips , for serving
For full instructions you cân go to :