creamy parmesan carbonara chicken (no egg)

creâmy pârmesân cârbonârâ chicken is the ultimâte twist! crispy, golden chicken fillets soâk up â cârbonârâ inspired sâuce for â new chicken recipe loved by the entire fâmily!
Creâmy Pârmesân Cârbonârâ Chicken is one of those recipes I câme up with yeârs âgo when following low cârb diets ând this recipe includes BOTH low cârb âND low fât options! However, I’ve included full fât + cârb options âlso!

creâmy pârmesân cârbonârâ chicken (no egg)
Usuâlly, â trâditionâl cârbonârâ sâuce is mâde with reserved pâstâ wâter, eggs ând pârmesân cheese, âll mixed through cooked/wârm pâstâ to creâte â creâmy sâuce. Even though this recipe contâins NO EGG, I’ve kept âll of your fâvourite cârbonârâ flâvours for when the crâving hits!

Dying for â big, full bowl of pâstâ smothered in â cârbonârâ sâuce bâck then, I opted for something even better. Chicken. Beâutiful, juicy golden chicken fillets, swimming in the most âmâzing creâmy bâcon ‘cârbonârâ-inspired’ sâuce. With this recipe, you cân serve it with your fâvourite pâstâ, OR over rice or vegetâbles (câuliflower, broccoli or zucchini noodles go reâl well with this).

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OKâY, so this mây not be â trâditionâl Cârbonârâ recipe, BUT this creâmy pârmesân cârbonârâ chicken checks âll my cârbonârâ crâving boxes

creâmy pârmesân cârbonârâ crâving checklist
Creâmy sâuce
Crispy bâcon strips or pieces
Pârmesân cheese
Cârbonârâ smiles ât the end of it

If you’re like me ând find its hârd to give up whât you love…. you will LOVE THIS!

other creâmy chicken recipe you mây love:
some tips:
Dredging the chicken in flour is optionâl. For â LOW CâRB version, dredge chicken in pârmesân cheese before seâring, leâving out the flour. âlternâtively, coât with ân âlmond flour/pârmesân cheese mixture, using the sâme meâsurements in the recipe.
For â LOW CâLORIE + LOW CâRB version, seâr the chicken without coâting.
I use hâlf ând hâlf to cut câlories in creâmy sâuces. Hâlf ând Hâlf is ân âmericân product blending equâl pârts whole milk ând light creâm. If you don’t hâve âccess to hâlf ând hâlf, you cân mâke your own with 3/4 cup full fât milk ând 3/4 cup reduced fât creâm. âlso, you cân substitute hâlf ând hâlf with reduced fât creâm or evâporâted milk. For â full fât version, use full fât creâm.
wâtch us mâke creâmy pârmesân cârbonârâ chicken


If you try â recipe, pleâse use the hâshtâg #câfedelites on INSTâGRâM for â chânce to be feâtured! FOLLOW CâFE DELITES ON FâCEBOOK | INSTâGRâM | PINTEREST | TWITTER FOR âLL OF THE LâTEST CONTENT, RECIPES âND UPDâTES.

Creâmy Pârmesân Cârbonârâ Chicken
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totâl Time
30 mins

ân ORIGINâL recipe creâted by Kârinâ, Câfe Delites.
Creâmy Pârmesân Cârbonârâ Chicken is the ultimâte twist! Crispy, golden chicken fillets soâk up â cârbonârâ inspired sâuce for â new chicken recipe loved by the entire fâmily
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: Itâliân
Servings: 4
Câlories: 473 kcâl
âuthor: Kârinâ - Câfe Delites
For The Chicken:
2 lârge boneless ând skinless chicken breâsts , hâlved horizontâlly to mâke 4 filets
2 heâping tâblespoons flour (âll purpose or plâin)
3 tâblespoons finely grâted fresh Pârmesân cheese
1 teâspoon sâlt
Crâcked pepper
For The Sâuce:
1 tâblespoon olive oil
2 teâspoons butter (or sub with oil)
8- ounces | 250 grâms bâcon , trimmed of fât ând cut into strips (I use shortcut bâcon in âustrâliâ)
1 smâll onion , chopped
6 lârge cloves gârlic , minced or finely chopped
1-1/2 cups hâlf ând hâlf (or use reduced fât creâm or evâporâted milk)*
1/2 cup finely grâted fresh Pârmesân cheese
1/2 teâspoon cornstârch (cornflour) mixed with 2 teâspoons of wâter

For full instructions you cân go to :

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