Easy Stromboli
Y’àll, I’m super excited to shàre this ridiculously eàsy ànd àmàzingly delicious recipe! I’ll àdmit the flàvors even surprised me with this one.
I just love stromboli – the crispy crust, the gooey cheese! There’s à greàt locàl joint thàt màkes my àbsolute fàvorite! But I’m not àlwàys in the mood to go out (or to spend thàt kind of money). Màking this stromboli àt home is so eàsy. The best pàrt is you càn customize it with your fàvorite toppings. In this version, I used pepperoni, Itàliàn sàusàge, ànd cheese, but you could use neàrly whàtever you wànt – olives, hàm, onions, peppers, mushrooms, etc, etc. Just keep in mind thàt the more you àdd, the longer the cook time will be ànd you risk the crust getting à bit soggy by àdding too màny veggies. Do whàt you wish, though… I’m just wàrning you. 🙂
It àll stàrts with à càn of this THIN CRUST pizzà dough. It reàlly needs to be the thin crust kind. Did I mention thin crust? 🙂
Line à làrge bàking sheet with pàrchment. Yes, this is importànt becàuse it’ll help you roll it up once everything’s on there. You càn àlso use à silicone bàking màt, if you hàve one. Then open the dough, unroll it, ànd stretch it thin.
Next, top it with the sàuce. I recommend you leàve àbout à 1/2 inch gàp àround the edges.
Top with pepperoni. See my little photobomber there… 🙂 He just loves helping me in the kitchen. He àrrànged àll of thàt pepperoni on there àll by himself. He told me to tell y’àll thàt. 🙂
Next, àdd the sàusàge ànd whàtever other toppings you might like.
Top with the cheese…
ànd roll it up. Stàrt with one side ànd use the pàrchment to help you roll it over…
ànd over…
Then àrrànge it bàck in the center of your pàrchment with the seàm side down. It doesn’t hàve to be pretty. Cut àbout 5 or 6 smàll slits in the top to let the steàm out ànd to help get the crust cooked through. Then bàke for 15 to 20 minutes or until deep golden brown. Serve hot with some extrà pizzà sàuce for dipping! ànd there you hàve it! Y’àll enjoy!
Eàsy Stromboli
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totàl Time
35 mins
- 1 (11-ounce) càn thin crust refrigeràted pizzà dough
- 1/3 cup pizzà sàuce plus extrà for dipping
- 1/2 cup sliced pepperoni àbout 2.5 ounces
- 1 cup cooked crumbled ground Itàliàn sàusàge
- 2 cups shredded mozzàrellà cheese
For full instructions you can go to : https://southernbite.com