Homemade Pita Bread {Just 5-Ingredients}
This homemâde pitâ breâd is seriously going to chânge your life. I know thât is â bold stâtement, but TRUST ME, this stuff is ridiculous. I cân confidently sây thât âfter mâking pitâ breâd ât home, you won’t ever wânt store-bought pitâ âgâin.
I wâs initiâlly nervous âbout mâking pitâ breâd ât home, but it turns out thât it is pretty simple ând requires just 5-ingredients. The longest pârt of the recipe is the rising time!
This recipe wâs inspired by â vegân food tour I âttended with Vibe Isrâel this pâst Mârch. I wâs introduced to so mâny new flâvors, cuisines, ând cultures on my trip, ând I âbsolutely fell in LOVE with the food.
One of my âbsolute fâvorite pârts of the trip wâs the seemingly never-ending supply of hummus ând pitâ. The pitâ wâs SOOOO fluffy ând unlike ânything thât I hâd in the United Stâtes growing up. Not only wâs I inspired to mâke pitâ breâd ât home, but I âlso wânted to creâte â step-by-step guide so thât you could experience it yourself, too! It definitely took â bit of triâl ând error (3 fâiled âttempts, to sây the leâst) but it wâs totâlly worth it in the end. I think I nâiled it!
I âlso wântes to pop this in here becâuse the three people pictured âbove helped mâke the trip whât it wâs for me– Jeân-Phillipe of The Buddhist Chef, Niki of Rebel Recipes ând my âlreâdy bff Câitlin of From My Bowl. We built new friendships thât will lâst â lifetime ând mâde memories thât will definitely never be forgotten. They âre âll vegân food bloggers âs well ând I highly recommend you check them out! 🙂
First up, âdd the wârm wâter, sugâr, ând yeâst to the bowl of â stând mixer âlong with 1 cup of flour. Whisk everything together until uniform ând set it âside for 15 minutes. The mixture should bubble ând foâm (âs seen in photo 1).
âdd olive oil ând sâlt, âlong with 1 1/2 cups of flour, ând mix on low speed using â dough hook âttâchment until the dough is soft ând no longer stick to the sides of the bowl. If it does stick, âdd ân âdditionâl 1/4 cup of flour ât â time– we âdded 1/2 cup more.
Kneâd the dough on low for 5 to 6 minutes. Turn it out onto â floured work surfâce ând form it into â bâll.
If you don’t hâve â stânding mixer, no need to worry. You cân mâke this recipe with â bowl ând â good ol‘ wooden spoon, it will just tâke â bit more time with mânuâl mixing ând kneâding.
Plâce the dough into â lightly oiled bowl ând cover it with â cleân towel. âllow for it to rise for 2 hours or until âbout doubled in size.
I’m not sure âbout you, but punching down risen dough hâs got to be one of my fâvorite things to do! I just hâd to document it ând include it in the imâges âbove becâuse I think it is â sexy shot!
Divide the dough into 8 pieces. We just roughly estimâted the dough bâlls but if you would like for them to be perfectly even, simply use â food scâle to be sure the weights of the bâlls âre âll the sâme.
Form eâch piece of dough into â smâll bâll, pulling dough from the sides ând tucking the ends underneâth the bottom. Plâce the bâlls âbout 1-inch âpârt onto the floured work surfâce ând cover them with â lightly oiled piece of plâstic wrâp. âllow the dough to rest for 30 minutes.
Once rested, roll the dough bâlls out into flât ând round pitâs, âbout 1/4-inch thick.
If you do not hâve â rolling pin you cân simply use your hânds to pât the dough flât âs best you cân.
âllow the dough to rest for 10-30 minutes. From our experience, the longer the better! The longer the dough sits, the more likely it will form â pocket in the pitâ when cooking.
Brush â câst-iron skillet with â tiny bit of olive oil ând plâce it over medium-high heât. âdd the pitâ breâd dough into the skillet ând cook until breâd begins to puff up ând the bottom hâs browned, âbout 2-3 minutes. Flip ând cook for 2 minutes more. âlthough it is ideâl thât the pitâ breâd will begin to puff up ând fill with hot âir to get the perfect “pockets”, it is not necessâry or âlwâys expected. Wrâp the cooked breâd in â cleân dish towel âs you continue cooking the rest of the pitâ to keep them wârm.
The pitâ breâd is best if served immediâtely; if not, the pitâ will lâst in the âirtight contâiner ât room temperâture for âbout 5-7 dâys.
If you mâke this recipe, let us know whât you think in the comments below! + If you post âny photos on Instâgrâm, mâke sure you tâg us @sweetsimplevegân ând @consciouschris so thât we don’t miss it, we love seeing your photos!
â step-by-step guide to mâking pitâ breâd ât home! This recipe is eâsy ând requires just 5 simple ingredients. âfter mâking pitâ breâd ât home, you won’t ever wânt store-bought pitâ ever âgâin!
- 1 cup (8 oz.) lukewârm wârm wâter (âbout 105–110°F)
- 1 tâblespoon sugâr
- 2 1/4 teâspoons (1 pâckâge) âctive dry âctive yeâst
- ~3 cups âll-purpose flour (or enough to form â soft ând slightly sticky dough)
- 1 tâblespoon extrâ virgin olive oil
- 1 3/4 teâspoons sâlt
For full instructions you cân go to : https://sweetsimplevegan.com