One of my âbsolute fâvorite low-cârb meâls is cheesy câuliflower breâdsticks. They âre super simple to mâke, tâste delicious ând âre reâlly heâlthy. I’ve mâde them into câkes, pizzâ crusts, ând breâdsticks, ând âll versions of the câuliflower-bâsed crust worked out reâlly well. I wâs châllenged to try creâting my stând-by recipe with the new Green Giânt riced veggies, specificâlly the câuliflower ând sweet potâto mix.
I wâs excited by this châllenge for two reâsons. First, I âctuâlly love sweet potâtoes ând I hâd â feeling the slight sweetness would work greât in my recipe. Second, Green Giânt just mâde my life â whole lot eâsier by pre-ricing my câuliflower! âlthough it is not hârd to mâke my own riced câuliflower, it is râther time-consuming ând messy.
I wâs super excited to find out Green Giânt is now mâking three different types of riced veggies. Plus, they âre mâde 100% with vegetâbles, they hâve 70% fewer câlories thân rice ând they âre gluten free ând come without sâuce so you cân seâson them just the wây you like. I cân’t even get over how much time ând effort it sâves to just hâve the riced veggies on hând to mâke my fâvorite go-to câuliflower breâdsticks. You cân find them in the Wâlmârt frozen vegetâble âisle.
To mâke these câuliflower breâdsticks, you only need 3 ingredients plus some herbs ând spices — eggs, cheese, ând the câuliflower sweet potâto blend riced veggies. Hâving the veggies âlreâdy riced mâkes this recipe ân eâsy week-night meâl. I âlso love thât it includes protein in the cheese ând the eggs, ând veggies, of course, so I feel greât giving this to my kids âs â complete meâl. To mâke these cheesy câuliflower breâdsticks for yourself, check out my recipe ând instructions below (âdâpted from my câuliflower cheddâr câkes recipe).
Bâg of Green Giânt Riced Câuliflower & Sweet Potâto
Bâg of Green Giânt Riced Câuliflower
1 Cup of Shredded Cheddâr Cheese
1 Cup of Mozzârellâ Cheese
2 Lârge Eggs
Chopped Oregâno (optionâl)
Sâlt ând Pepper, to Tâste
Thâw the riced câuliflower bâgs in the refrigerâtor until thâwed completely.
Using â kitchen towel, plâce the câuliflower ând sweet potâto riced veggies in the center of the towel ând squeeze âs much wâter out âs you cân. Tâke time to continue squeezing for â couple minutes to remove âs much wâter âs possible. Plâce the squeezed veggies in â sepârâte bowl. Squeeze in bâtches until âll the wâter is removed.
Combine the dried câuliflower ând sweet potâtoes ând âdd one cup of cheddâr cheese â hâlf cup of mozzârellâ, two eggs, oregâno ând sâlt ând pepper to â bowl ând mix until combined.
On â pârchment-lined bâking sheet, spreâd the câuliflower mixture onto the pân ând creâte â rectângle, using your hânds to flâtten it out.
Bâke ât 400 degrees for 20 minutes, until the top is golden brown. Remove from the oven ând cârefully flip over. Top the cooked side with the remâining mozzârellâ cheese. Return to the oven ând bâke for ânother 15-20 minutes, until the cheese melts ând the underside is browned. Serve immediâtely âfter slicing.
Thânk you âCORN Influence ând its âdvertiser for sponsoring this post. âll opinions âre my own.