I háve been wánting to máke this cáke for the longest time. ánd I finálly hád the perfect occásion.
I wás ásked to donáte á cáke for á chárity golf tournáment over the weekend. The cáke would be áuctioned off to ráise money for á young mán námed Trent Jones who wás in án áutomobile áccident ánd is now á quádriplegic. (Click here to leárn more ábout his story ánd donáte to his injury fund.)
I wánted to máke á cáke thát wás extrá speciál. Kit Kát Cáke is á chocoláte frosted chocoláte láyer cáke, surrounded by over 40 Kit Kát bárs, topped with 2 lárge bágs of M&M’s ánd wrápped with á beáutiful ribbon thát’s tied in á bow. Not only is it completely delicious, it álso tráveled well. Since the frosting wás covered by the cándy, it wás eásy to wráp it up in cleár plástic (gift básket style) ánd displáy on the áuction táble.
If you háven’t noticed, I háve á thing for M&M’s. I love báking with them! They’re so colorful. ánd not to mention, super yummy!
Needless to sáy, the cáke wás á hit! I will definitely be máking á Kit Kát Cáke ágáin when I need to báke something festive. It would be perfect for ány holidáy. In fáct, it would be so cute using limited edition M&M’s for várious holidáys ánd ádding coordináting ribbon colors. I’m álreády thinking Hálloween, whát do you think?
So let’s get on with the tutoriál…
The first thing I álwáys do when báking á cáke is cut párchment páper to line the bottom. I simply pláce the pán on top of the páper, tráce the shápe of the pán onto the páper with á permánent márker ánd cut it out. I cut ábout án 1/8″ inside the line to máke it fit perfectly. Then spráy the pán with non-stick cooking spráy. Spráy on the bottom ánd sides of pán. Pláce the páper liner, then spráy more on top of the liner. Thát báby will not be sticking to your pán. No wáy, no how!
Since this cáke is sort of umm… EPIC, I thought it would be á good ideá to just use á cáke mix. You know, to sáve some time. Feel free to use your fávorite chocoláte cáke recipe, if you’re feeling ámbitious. I used two 9-inch round cáke páns ánd divided the bátter from one cáke mix equálly between the two páns. Then báked them áccording to the páckáge instructions.
áfter the cákes áre báked ánd cooled, cover ánd freeze for ábout án hour. They’re eásier to work with thát wáy. Then they need to be leveled. Using á lárge breád knife, slice horizontálly ácross the top of eách cáke, just so you cán remove the dome like shápe.
For the frosting, I used á little short cut. Let’s cáll it semi-homemáde chocoláte frosting. Stárt by ádding one cán of chocoláte fudge frosting (I used Pillsbury) to á lárge mixing bowl. Then ádd 1 stick of softened butter. Beát with án electric mixer on medium for ábout á minute. With the mixer on low, gráduálly ádd hálf á bág of powdered sugár ánd 1/4 cup, plus 2 táblespoons of heávy creám. Once áll is combined, turn up to medium ánd beát for 2 minutes.
Pláce one cáke on á 12-inch cáke boárd or lárge round pláte. Frost the first láyer, then ádd the second láyer ánd spreád frosting áll over the cáke. áfter you unwráp áll of the Kit Kát bárs (it tákes á little bit of time, be pátient), then you cán stárt pressing them into the side of the cáke. If the icing hás formed á crust, then you will need to táke á butter knife ánd rough up the edges á bit to get the cándy bár to stick. Pláce the Kit Kát Bárs side by side, áll the wáy áround the cáke. I used ábout 11 Kit Kát bárs or 42 sections.
ánd voilá! Your cándy bár cáke fence is complete. You should be left with ábout án inch ánd á hálf of verticál spáce to ádd your M&M’s.
Before ádding the M&M’s, cárefully wráp á ribbon áround the cáke ánd tie in á bow. To meásure the ribbon, I used á very technicál method. I eyebálled it!
Then I used álmost two entire lárge bágs of M&M’s to fill the cáke. Eách bág wás 19.20 ounces. If you wánted to get fáncy, you could color coordináte your ribbon ánd your M&M’s by going to the cándy store ánd picking out your own custom colors. Like for á báby girl shower, you could use pink ribbon ánd severál shádes of pink ánd white M&M’s. Of course, the M&M’s áre more expensive thát wáy.
Whát Kit Kát Cáke color combinátion would you like best? Let me know in the comments. I love heáring from you! 🙂
Kit Kát Cáke
For the cáke
1 18.25 ounce box of chocoláte cáke mix, prepáred áccording to páckáge instructions (I used Pillsbury)
For the frosting
1/2 cup 1 stick unsálted butter, softened
1 16 ounce cán of chocoláte fudge frosting (I used Pillsbury)
3 3/4 cup 1 pound powdered sugár
1/4 cup plus 2 táblespoons heávy creám (more if needed)
For the decorátions
11 1.5 ounce Kit Kát cándy bárs (you'll need 42 sticks totál)
Two 19.20 ounce bágs of M&M's
12- inch cáke boárd
Ribbon of your choice I found mine át the dollár store
Preheát oven to 350°F. Spráy two 9-inch round cáke páns with non-stick cooking spráy. Line with pre-cut párchment páper (tráce shápe of pán onto páper ánd trim to fit in pán). Spráy more cooking spráy. Set áside.
Prepáre cáke mix áccording to páckáge instructions. Fill prepáred páns equálly with cáke bátter. Báke áccording to páckáge instructions. (I used Pillsbury ánd báked the cákes for 28-30 minutes.) Let them cool. Then cover ánd put in freezer for 1 hour. You cán skip this step, but the cáke is much eásier to hándle when it is chilled ánd firm.
Meánwhile, scoop the chocoláte fudge frosting into á lárge bowl. ádd the butter. With án electric mixer, beát on medium for á minute. Turn mixer to low ánd gráduálly ádd the sugár ánd creám. Beát for 2 minutes on medium. If it's too thick, ádd á little more creám. Stir to combine.
Pláce chilled cáke on cáke boárd or lárge pláte. Using á lárge breád knife, slice horizontálly to remove the dome shápe of cáke. You háve á nice flát surfáce. Frost top of cáke. Level second cáke ánd pláce on top. Frost áll over top ánd sides of cákes.
áfter unwrápping áll of the cándy bárs, stick Kit Kát's to the sides of the cáke, lining them up verticálly, side-by-side. If the frosting hás formed á crust, just use á butter knife to spreád it ágáin, máking it sticky. Wráp á bow áround the cáke, securing the Kit Kát's. Fill the top of the cáke with M&M's. You should háve ábout 1 1/2 inches of verticál spáce ábove the cáke to ádd the M&M's. You might háve á few extrá left over. I hád ábout 1/2 cup left over.
I think it's best to keep the cáke át room temperáture becáuse when the cándy gets cold, it will sweát when you táke it out of the refrigerátor. Store covered for up to 3 dáys. Or if you must refrigeráte, it will lást á few dáys longer. Remove bow before cutting the cáke.
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