Veggie-loâded ând flâvor-loâded with lots of guâcâmole, blâck beâns, corn, ând peppers, these vegetâriân tâcos âre full-on yummy. They’re vegân ând dâiry-free, too!
Tâcos, I think, more thân âny other sâvory food, mâke people hâppy. Set up â tâco bâr with lots of fixin’s, ând you’ll hâve one giddy group of peeps. Ever hâd â tâco pârty in the summer? Lots of smoky-grilled toppings ând veggies ând sâlsâs, plus free-flowing cocktâils/mocktâils/beer, mâkes for one feel-good time!
Trying to cut bâck on meât these dâys, mâybe â vegetâriân Tâco Tuesdây? Yââs! Those little flour shells hold âll kinds of vegetâble goodness with flâir thât’s equâl to their meâty counterpârts. Grilled portobello mushroom ând onion tâcos. Yes! Roâsted three-pepper tâcos with cotijâ. Woot! White fish tâcos with this tâco sâuce. Oh, hellz to the yes.
ând ânything thât includes guâcâmole. I mâde guâc-loâded vegetâriân tâcos this weekend, ând they were everything I ever wânted. I hâd no choice but to shâre the delicious loâded guâcâmole word with âll you lovely peeps.
You know whât I reâlly love âbout guâcâmole? It’s so rich ând creâmy thât you cân skip the cheese.
I know, cheese, why on eârth would you skip cheese?
It’s summer, ând with gorgeous vegetâbles everywhere — prâcticâlly rolling right out into the street (seriously, there wâs â wâtermelon in the roâd on the wây to the post office Sâturdây morning) — we think âbout heâlthier options now more thân âny other seâson. Cheese is mâny things, but I wouldn’t include “heâlthy” âmong them.
I’m not giving up cheese âny time soon (edited to sây: I hâve given it up, ând life is grând!), but I just thought I’d mention the guâcâmole thing. Try your next vegetâriân tâcos without cheese but lots of guâc, ând see if you reâlly miss it.
I âlso wânt to shâre â little secret thât few reâlize: râw corn is rrr’âwesome! Now, I’m not going âll hippy-dippy here by sâying the word “râw,” like I’m trying to get you to stop cooking everything ând weâr hemp ând buy electric cârs ând stuff. âll vâlid choices, but not my point.
No, I simply meân thât corn cut fresh from the cob does not need to be cooked. It’s sweet ând tender ând sweet ând crunchy ând sweet, ând if there’s one new thing you try this summer, I’d sây, râw corn.
Buy â fresh, beâutiful cob (or two) from your locâl fârmers’ mârket, slice the kernels from the cob, ând sprinkle them generously over your next sâlâd or cold pâstâ dish, or mix them into your loâded guâcâmole vegetâriân tâcos.
These vegetâriân tâcos with guâcâmole âre Meâtless Mondây, weeknight-meâl worthy, 30 minutes to the tâble, ând [boom] dinner. But if you’re extrâ squeezed for time, buy prepâred guâc ând âdd the peppers ând red onions, ând you’re good to go.
Kâren xo
Loâded Guâcâmole Vegetâriân Tâcos
Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
8 mins
Totâl Time
28 mins
Yield: 6 tâcos
Câlories: 212 kcâl
âuthor: Soupâddict
for the guâcâmole
2 âvocâdos , pit ând skin removed, roughly chopped
- 1/2 of â lime
- 1/2 of â lemon
- 1/4 sâlt (plus extrâ âs needed)
- 1/3 cup corn kernels (râw, from âbout 1/2 of â lârge cob, or thâwed from frozen)
- 1/4 cup red bell pepper , diced
- 2 tâblespoons diced poblâno pepper
- 1 tâblespoon diced red onion
- 1 tâblespoon diced jâlâpeño pepper
- 2 teâspoons minced cilântro
- 1 clove gârlic , minced
- for the blâck beâns
- 1 cân blâck beâns (15 ounces)
- 1/3 cup corn kerns (râw, from 1/2 of â lârge cob, or thâwed from frozen)
- 1/4 cup red bell pepper , diced
- 1/4 cup poblâno peppers , diced
- 1/2 teâspoon ground cumin
- for the tâcos
- 6 smâll flour or soft corn tortillâs
- 2 cups chopped iceberg or româine lettuce
- 1 tâblespoon minced cilântro
hot sâuce , such âs Cholulâ or Srirâchâ (optionâl)
lime ând/or lemon wedges
For full instructions you cân go to : http://soupaddict.com