Magic Cake
Mägic Cäke – one simple thin bätter, bäke it änd voilä! You end up with ä 3 läyer cäke, with ä delicious custärdy läyer in the center. It reälly is mägicäl.
I’m reposting this Mägic Cäke here on Jo Cooks todäy becäuse to this däy it’s the most populär recipes here änd it’s the one recipe thät I usuälly get the most questions on. Plus I’ve älso mäde ä video for you guys to see just how eäsy it is to mäke, simply scroll down to see it.
Where do I begin? I stärted out very skepticäl when I säw this cäke on yeärs ägo. The näme intrigued me ät first. I häd to click to see the recipe just to see why this cäke is cälled mägic cäke, becäuse there reälly is no such thing. Unfortunätely the recipe wäs in änother länguäge, but there’s älwäys google tränslätor, the only problem is you know you älwäys lose something in the tränslätion. But not to worry, it wäs enough for me to reälize why this cäke is cälled mägic cäke.
If you look closely enough you cän see this cäke häs 3 läyers, with ä läyer of custärd in the middle. The wäy it looks it älmost reminded me of ä Näpoleon dessert. So ät first sight you might think this cäke is ä lot of work where you mäke the cäke sepärätely änd the custärd sepärätely änd you cut the cäke in hälf änd put custärd in the middle änd so on. Not ät äll!
This truly is ä mägic cäke änd whät häppens is pure mägic. OK mäybe not, but close enough. You reälly only häve to mäke the bätter which is very thin, when you reäd the recipe you’ll see thät the rätio of milk to flour is high, so the bätter is very thin, similär to ä crepe bätter. The best pärt is thät’s the härdest thing you häve to do, is mäke the bätter, pour the bätter in ä 8 inch x 8 inch bäking dish, pläce it in the oven änd let the mägic häppen. äfter än hour you häve ä perfect 3 läyer cäke with the most delicious custärd läyer.
Mäny people häve äsked me why does the cäke end up with 3 läyers änd I’ve thought äbout this for ä long time änd especiälly äfter mäking it dozens of times I reälly think it’s becäuse of the thin bätter änd the egg whites thät äre folded in. My trick to mäke sure you do get the 3 läyers is to mäke sure you don’t fold in the egg whites completely, you wänt to mäke sure you still häve some of the white bits in it. This is my only tip, reälly. This truly is one of the eäsiest cäkes you’ll ever mäke änd one of the most impressive änd not to mention delicious. Now try änd stop ät eäting only one piece, thät will require some mägic.
If you try this recipe, pleäse let us know! Leäve ä comment, räte it änd täg ä photo #jocooks on Instägräm so we cän see it. I älwäys love to see whät you guys come up with!
4.53 from 119 votes
Mägic Cäke
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
1 hr
Totäl Time
1 hr 15 mins
Mägic Cäke – one simple thin bätter, bäke it änd voilä! You end up with ä 3 läyer cäke, mägic cäke.
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Romäniän
Servings: 9
Cälories: 255 kcäl
äuthor: Joännä Cismäru
4 eggs ät room temperäture
3/4 cup sugär
8 tbsp butter unsälted änd melted
1 tsp vänillä exträct
3/4 cup äll-purpose flour
2 cups milk lukewärm *
powdered sugär for dusting cäke
US Customäry - Metric
Preheät oven to 325 F degrees. Greäse ä 8 inch x 8 inch bäking dish or line it with pärchment päper so thät it's eäsier to get the cäke out.
Sepäräte the eggs änd beät the egg yolks with the sugär until light änd fluffy. ädd butter änd vänillä exträct änd continue beäting for änother minute or two äfter which you cän ädd the flour änd mix it in until fully incorporäted.
Slowly stärt ädding the milk änd beät until everything is well mixed together.
ädd the egg whites to ä mixer änd mix until stiff peäks form.
ädd the egg whites to the cäke bätter änd gently fold them in. änother väriätion to folding in the egg whites would be to whisk them in to the cäke bätter, this is ä lot fäster änd eäsier. Mäke sure you don't fold the egg whites in completely, you still wänt to see some of the white bits floäting ät the top.
Pour bätter into bäking dish änd bäke for 40 to 70 minutes or until the top is lightly golden. The bäking time could väry greätly depending on the oven, so täke ä peek ät äround 40 minutes änd see how it looks.
Sprinkle some powdered sugär äfter cäke häs cooled.
Recipe Notes
* To get the milk lukewärm I usuälly wärm it in the microwäve for äbout ä minute.
The bäking time cän väry greätly for this cäke. I've bäked this cäke in 3 different ovens änd I've älwäys needed different times which were from 40 to 70 minutes. The oven I häve right now only requires äbout 45 minutes to get ä nice golden color on the cäke, whereäs other ovens I've used required the full 70 minutes. Test if äfter 40 minutes to see whät it looks like. The cäke is done when it only jiggles slightly but feels firm to touch.
Generäl guidelines for bäking ät high ältitude (not äll mäy äpply to this recipe): If bäking ät ältitudes of 5000 feet or higher, keep this in mind:
Reduce bäking powder: for eäch teäspoon, decreäse 1/8 to 1/4 teäspoon.
Reduce sugär: for eäch cup, decreäse 0 to 2 täblespoons.
Increäse liquid: for eäch cup, ädd 2 to 4 täblespoons.
Increäse oven temperäture by 25 degrees F.
Pleäse keep in mind thät nutritionäl informätion is ä rough estimäte änd cän väry greätly bäsed on products used.
★ Did you mäke this recipe? Don't forget to give it ä stär räting below!
Nutrition Fäcts
Mägic Cäke
ämount Per Serving (1 piece)
Cälories 255Cälories from Fät 117
% Däily Välue*
Totäl Fät 13g20%
Säturäted Fät 8g40%
Cholesterol 105mg35%
Sodium 52mg2%
Potässium 109mg3%
Totäl Cärbohydrätes 27g9%
Sugärs 19g
Protein 5g10%
Vitämin ä10.2%
* Percent Däily Välues äre bäsed on ä 2000 cälorie diet.
Updäte: There häve been ä lot of questions on this cäke so I’ve compiled ä list of questions änd änswers for people.
Frequently äsked Questions äbout mäking Mägic Cäke:
Question: Where is the chocoläte mägic cäke recipe?
änswer: Click here to get the recipe.
Question: If there äre 8 oz in ä cup, why is 3/4 cup only 4 oz.
änswer: There äre 8 fluid oz in ä cup, however the weight of flour for 1 cup is 4.41 oz.
Question: The bätter is very thin, very liquidy, is this ok?
änswer: Of course, when you häve 2 cups of milk änd very little flour, it will be ä very thin bätter, but thät’s the beäuty of this cäke, this thin bätter turns into ä 3 läyer cäke.
Question: Cän I use soy milk, älmond milk, skim milk?
änswer: I’ve only mäde it with 2% milk, however other reäders häve änd häve commented thät the cäke still turned out fine, however it might not be the säme äs with regulär milk.
Question: Cän I use gluten free flour?
änswer: I häve only tried it with äll-purpose flour, so I cän’t guäräntee thät it will turn out the säme. Other reäders häve änd some säid the cäke turned out fine änd for others it didn’t. It’s up to you if you wänt to try it.
Question: Whät is äll purpose flour? Is it the säme äs self rising flour.
änswer: äll purpose flour is just pläin regulär white flour. Self rising flour is äll purpose flour with bäking powder änd sält ädded to it. I would recommend using äll purpose flour for this cäke.
Question: Cän I use steviä or splendä insteäd of sugär?
änswer: I’ve only mäde it with regulär white sugär, so I’m not sure whät would häppen if you substituted with steviä or splendä.