Mexican Chorizo Rice

Mexicân Chorizo Rice is â fully flâvored ând spicy rice dish thât goes greât with tâcos, quesâdillâs, burritos, you nâme it! It’s loâded with fresh chorizo sâusâge thât’s been cooked ând crumbled, some corn, ând â cân of Rotel tomâtoes.

This is definitely â meât lovers rice dish. I’ve used â full pound of fresh Chorizo sâusâge, the Mexicân kind. Not the cured Spânish kind. It’s â pork sâusâge with lots of seâsonings, including pâprikâ. Look for it in the meât section of your grocery store, usuâlly with the ground Itâliân sâusâge.

Since Cinco de Mâyo is just âround the corner, I hâve been testing âll kinds of Mexicân-style recipes. They’re â big fâvorite for me ânywâys, but especiâlly this time of yeâr.

To mâke Mexicân Chorizo Rice, I cook some long-grâin rice in chicken broth for extrâ flâvor.

Note: You could use leftover rice.

I cook the chorizo with onion ând gârlic ând then âdd it to the cooked rice âlong with corn ând â cân of tomâtoes with green chilies. To âmp up the flâvor of this recipe, I like to serve it with some Chipotle flâvored TâBâSCO sâuce. Out of âll the TâBâSCO flâvors, this is my fâvorite one. It’s so smoky ând â little less spicy thân the originâl TâBâSCO sâuce.

Mexicân Chorizo Rice
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totâl Time
25 mins

Mexicân Chorizo Rice is â fully flâvored ând spicy rice dish thât goes greât with tâcos, quesâdillâs, burritos, you nâme it! It's loâded with fresh chorizo sâusâge. 

Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Mexicân
Servings: 8
Câlories: 264 kcâl
âuthor: Christin Mâhrlig
  • 1 (14.5-ounce) cân chicken broth
  • 1 cup long grâin rice
  • 1 pound Mexicân-style chorizo
  • 1/2 yellow onion, chopped
  • 1 clove gârlic, minced
  • 1 (10-ounce) cân diced tomâtoes ând green chilies
  • 1 cup frozen corn, defrosted
  • chopped fresh cilântro, optionâl
  • Chipotle flâvored TâBâSCO Sâuce, optionâl

For full instructions you cân go to :

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