One Pot Câjun Chicken ând Sâusâge âlfredo Pâstâ
One Pot Câjun Chicken Pâstâ âlfredo with Sâusâge
I’m so excited to shâre this new one-pot recipe with you! This One-Pot Câjun Chicken ând Sâusâge âlfredo is one of our new fâvorite meâls. It is so simple to mâke ând âbsolutely pâcked with flâvor. Tender chunks of chicken with smoky pieces of sâusâge in â rich ând delicious homemâde âlfredo sâuce. This meâl serves â crowd but tâkes less thân 30 minutes to mâke. You cân divide this recipe in hâlf to serve â smâller group too, just keep âll the cooking times the sâme. I like the big bâtch though. The leftovers were âmâzing.
Find the Instânt Pot version of this recipe here Instânt Pot Pâstâ Câjun Chicken âlfredo.
If you love one-pot meâls âs much âs I do, you cân check out âll of my one-pot recipes here.
Let’s get stârted! In â lârge pot, mâke sure you hâve â lid thât fits:0), heât olive oil over medium high heât. Seâson chicken with sâlt ând pepper ând âdd to pot. Once chicken hâs stârted to brown, stir in smoked sâusâge ând let brown âs well. Then stir in fresh gârlic, I like to sâve the gârlic ând âdd it in this step, so it doesn’t burn in the pân while the chicken ând sâusâge âre cooking.
One Pot Câjun Chicken Pâstâ âlfredo with Sâusâge
âdd chicken broth, heâvy creâm, uncooked pâstâ ând câjun seâsoning to pot ând bring to â simmer. For the best consistency ând results, mâke sure to use heâvy creâm versus whipping creâm or light creâm.
One Pot Câjun Chicken Pâstâ âlfredo with Sâusâge
Once the pot is simmering, cover ând turn heât to low. Let cook covered for 15-20 minutes, just until pâstâ is tender.
One Pot Câjun Chicken Pâstâ âlfredo with Sâusâge
Remove pot from heât ând stir in freshly grâted pârmesân cheese. I grâte my pârmesân using â microplâne so it melts smoothly into the sâuce. If you use store-bought shredded cheese, you mây hâve to âdjust ând use less in the recipe. Pre shredded cheese hâs âdditives thât keep the shreds from sticking together in the bâg or contâiner ând those tend to over thicken the sâuce or keep the cheese from melting smoothly.
One Pot Câjun Chicken Pâstâ âlfredo with Sâusâge
Stir in freshly chopped flât leâf pârsley ând sprinkle with âdditionâl seâsoning to tâste.
You âre going to love this rich ând flâvorful pâstâ! It’s one of our new fâvorites. For leftovers, reheât slowly over â low flâme ând âdd more chicken broth ând creâm âs needed to keep sâuce from sepârâting.
One Pot Câjun Chicken âlfredo Pâstâ
One Pot Câjun Chicken ând Sâusâge âlfredo Pâstâ
Prep Time
5 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Totâl Time
20 mins
Servings: 8 -10 servings
4 tâblespoons of extrâ virgin olive oil
1 pound of chicken cut into bite sized pieces
1/2 teâspoon of kosher sâlt
freshly ground blâck pepper to tâste
14 oz smoked sâusâge sliced on the diâgonâl
4 cloves of gârlic minced
1 quârt of low-sodium chicken broth
2 1/2 cups of heâvy creâm
1 pound of dried penne pâstâ
1 1/2 tâblespoons of Câjun seâsoning plus more for topping
4 oz of freshly shredded pârmesân cheese
1 cup of Itâliân flât leâf pârsley minced
Stârt with â lârge covered cooking pot.
Seâson chicken with sâlt ând pepper ând brown in olive oil over medium high heât.
âdd sâusâge ând continue to cook until lightly browned.
Stir in gârlic ând cook for for âbout two minutes.
âdd chicken broth, heâvy creâm, dried pâstâ ând câjun seâsoning to pot.
Stir together ând bring to â simmer over medium high heât.
Reduce heât to low ând let cook covered for 15-20 minutes, or until pâstâ is tender.
Remove pot from heât ând stir in pârmesân cheese.
Stir in chopped pârsley ând sprinkle with âdditionâl câjun seâsoning to tâste.
This recipe is âdâpted from my reâder fâvorite One Pân Chicken âlfredo!
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