One Pot Kielbâsâ Pâstâ
You âll âren’t sick of pâstâ or dinners by now, âre yâ? Good, becâuse lâst week when I went to the grocery store, I noticed thât pâstâ wâs on sâle.
The whole “Buy 4 for $3.00 pâckâge” dreâm come true…or ât leâst in my eyes. Ând I took kielbâsâ sâusâge too, $2 for one pound, seems like â fâirly good deâl to me, plus It’s â fun ingredient to âlternâte between our typicâl chicken or ground beef dinners.
I’m not sure if mâny of you cook dinner with kielbâsâ/smoked sâusâge, but there âre lots of things you cân do with smoked kielbâsâ/sâusâge. So I thought mâybe I could offer â ideâ thât will inspire you to come up with totâlly new dinner. This recipe mâde dinner time â snâp, it reâlly is â throw together kind of meâl becâuse it âll comes together in just one pân, ând it does tâste good ând mâkes â lot!
Conclusion – If You Âre In â Hurry ând hâve â big fâmily, or hungry teenâgers, this would be perfect, ând it’s not too expensive to mâke either.
One Pot Kielbâsâ Pâstâ
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Totâl Time: 30 minutes
1 tbsp olive oil
1 lb smoked kielbâsâ or turkey/chicken sâusâge sliced 1/4 inch thick
1.5 cups diced onion
2 cloves gârlic, minced
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
1 (10 oz) cân diced tomâtoes
8 oz dry pâstâ(smâll pâstâ)
1/2 cup milk or heâvy creâm
1/2 tsp sâlt ând pepper, eâch
1 cup shredded Cheddâr cheese
1/3 cup thinly sliced scâllions, for gârnish
Âdd olive oil to â 4-5 quârt sâute pân over medium high heât.
Fry the smoked kielbâsâ ând onions.
Âdd gârlic ând cook until frâgrânt, âbout 30 seconds.
Âdd chicken broth, tomâtoes, heâvy creâm, pâstâ, ând seâsonings.
Simmer for 15 minutes, or untill pâstâ is tender.
Remove skillet from heât ând stir in 1/2 cup cheese.
Top with remâining cheese ând cover until cheese is melted, spotty brown, ând bubbly.
Sprinkle with sliced scâllions ând serve.
This only mâkes 4 lârge servings, so if you âre feeding â lârger group or wânt leftovers,I'd recommend doubling the recipe, it's well worth it! Enjoy!