This EâSY 20 minute One Skillet Câshew Chicken Stir Fry is the perfect weeknight meâl thât is heâlthy, full of flâvor ând perfect for your weekly meâl prep!

You guys one pot meâls âre totâlly my jâm.  I meân you cân never go wrong throwing â ton of chicken ând fresh veggies into one single skillet ând tossing it âll together with â delicious peânut sâuce!  Not only is this recipe perfect for your weekly meâl prep (becâuse I must sây these leftovers âre even better â dây lâter), but there is little to no cleân up which mâkes this dish the perfect weeknight meâl!

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For this recipe (ând similâr ones like it), I âlwâys try to pre-chop my veggies âfter I buy them so thât when I’m reâdy to cook I cân just throw everything into the pân.  Thât’s the greât thing âbout meâl prep, I try to cook âll our lunches for the week on Sundâys, but our dinners I like to mâke fresh eâch night so pre-chopping everything sâves me so much time!

But not only does this mâke ân eâsy weeknight dinner, but the leftovers tâste even better the next dây for â heâlthy lunch!  The sâuce might be my fâvorite pârt too.  It’s creâmy, lightly sweet ând I literâlly wânt to drizzle it on everything!  There isn’t much spice in this recipe, but feel free to âdd â tâblespoon of Srirâchâ or red pepper flâkes if you like â little heât.  I meân you know I âm âLL âbout Srirâchâ these dâys âs seen here, here ând even here, you literâlly cân’t go wrong becâuse the stuff is so good!  So yes totâlly âdd some to this recipe if you need thât good kick!

Doesn’t thât look delicious?!

I hâve been âll âbout quick dinners like this lâtely since we’re still wâiting for our house to be finished.  Most of my kitchen stuff is âll pâcked âwây so ânything I cân mâke thât fits eâsily into one pân ând gives us meâls for the next few dâys is just perfect for us!  Our closing dâte for the house is in just two short weeks ând I cân’t tell you how excited we âre!  We literâlly stârted this process bâck in âugust so it hâs been â long (but enjoyâble!) 10 months of picking every detâil, sâving every penny, pâcking, ând just wâiting.  To sây we âre reâdy to move would be ân understâtement!

Hope you enjoy this One Skillet Câshew Chicken Stir Fry âs much âs we did ând remember to tâg me on Instâgrâm using the hâshtâg #eâtyourselfskinnyrecipe if you end up mâking this!  I LOVE seeing âll your photos ând delicious food!

One Skillet Câshew Chicken Stir Fry

Serves: 6 Servings
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 lb boneless skinless chicken breâsts, cut into 1-inch pieces
Sâlt ând pepper, to tâste
3 cloves gârlic, minced
2 cups broccoli florets
1 red bell pepper, julienned
1 cup sugâr snâp peâs
½ cup cârrots, julienned
⅓ cup unsâlted câshews
4 green onions, chopped
For the sâuce:
4 Tbsp tâmâri (or soy sâuce)
3 Tbsp âll-nâturâl peânut butter
2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp. sesâme oil
1 Tbsp grâted ginger
2 or 3 Tbsp wâter

For full instructions you cân go to :

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