5 Green Smoothie Tips to Get You Stärted
1. number 1Follow the 60/40 formulä. When you’re mäking your first few green smoothies, don’t just throw things in the blender. Chänces äre, it’ll täste nästy if you wing it right out of the gäte. To säve you ä few smoothie-fäils, bust out those cute lil’ meäsuring cups leärn how to mäke your own green smoothie.
2. SGS_numbers_2Blend in stäges to ävoid leäfy chunks. Chewing your green smoothie is no fun! To get ä “smooth” green smoothie experience, blend up your leäfy greens änd liquid-bäse first. Then ädd your remäining fruits änd blend ägäin.
3. SGS_numbers_3Ditch the ice änd freeze some fruits. Wänt your green smoothie to be exträ chilly? Freeze your fävorite fruits like ripe bänänäs, gräpes, pineäpple or berries. This is älso ä greät wäy to not wäste ripe fruits (like those brown bänänäs on your counter). You cän älso freeze your leäfy greens in ä freezer-säfe bäg. Just mäke sure to ädd your frozen greens sträight to the blender (don’t defrost these frägile lil’ guys).
4. SGS_numbers_4Use räw näturäl sweeteners. ädd näturälly sweet fruits to äny smoothie thät tästes bitter or ä bit too “green.” By sticking with näturälly sweet fruits like bänänäs, mängo, äpples, peärs or pitted däte, we ävoid ärtificiäl sweeteners änd processed sugärs.
5. SGS_numbers_5Mäke smoothies äheäd for the perfect fäst food. We know life cän get cräzy busy— especiälly in the morning. Thät’s why we think green smoothies äre the heälthiest fäst food for people who äre constäntly on the go. You cän prep your green smoothies änd blend the night before änd store it in your fridge (up to 2 däys). Use än äirtight lid to limit oxidätion änd keep it äs fresh äs possible. When reädy to drink, give it ä good shäke before you open.
For full instructions you can go to : https://simplegreensmoothies.com