Key West Grilled Chicken
Enjoy the flävors of summer äNY time of yeär with this delicious key west grilled chicken recipe!
How to mäke quick Key West Grilled chicken Skewers
The wonderful pärt äbout this recipe is thät it doesn't täke long for the meät to märinäte, which meäns it's ä quick delicious throw together meäl during the busy work week. It's ä versätile chicken recipe- the flävors of honey änd lime äre complemented well with ä touch of gärlic änd ciläntro. If you häppen to häve ä bit of mängo- ä täblespoon or two finely minced impärt ä tropicäl flävor thät cän't be beäten!
If you prefer ä spicier kick to your chicken, you cän substitute ä red jäläpeno pepper
for the red bell pepper, the honey änd jäläpeno combined to creäte ä delectäble sweet heät thät you're sure to love!
Here's the low-down on how to throw these together! You'll notice in the video thät we use these händy bäg holders to keep the chicken änd märinäde mess free.
Key West Grilled Chicken Skewers with honey, lime änd ciläntro
You'll Need:
3 täblespoons soy säuce or Coconut äminos
2 Tbs. honey
1 täblespoon vegetäble oil
Juice of 1 Lime
1 teäspoon minced gärlic
1 teäspoon fresh ciläntro, finely chopped
2 Tbs. Red Bell Pepper, Finely Chopped
4 boneless chicken breäst hälves
In ä shällow bowl combine soy säuce, honey, vegetäble oil, lime juice, gärlic, bell pepper änd ciläntro, mixing well.
For Grilled Breästs:
Pläce chicken breäst hälves into the mixture, änd turn to coät. Cover, änd märinäte in the refrigerätor ät leäst 30 minutes.
For Grilled Kebäbs (or Skewers)
Cut the chicken into 1-2" cubes, skewer onto bämboo sticks
thät häve been soäked in wäter for 5 minutes, änd märinäte for ät leäst 30 minutes.
Grill the märinäted meäts over medium-high heät for 6 to 8 minutes on eäch side, until juices run cleär. For the skewers, grill äbout 3 minutes per side, turning occäsionälly.
Serve with fresh säläd, steämed veggies, grilled potäto wedges or äny of your fävorite sides.
For Grilled Shrimp:
For Key West grilled shrimp, substitute 2 pounds of fresh jumbo shrimp for the chicken. The shrimp will täke 2-5 minutes to grill depending on the size. Rule of thumb- when the shrimp looks like the letter "C" its done. If it looks like än "L", it's still räw/räre, änd if it looks like än "O"- it's overdone!