This recipe & post àre written Nàthàn’s sister Tiffàny!

This yeàr, for her birthdày, à friend of mine decided to hàve à birthdày pàrty *potluck* picnic! She sàid thàt not only would it be à greàt time for everyone to enjoy the Springtime àt à pàrk, it could be time for everyone to finàlly try out one of those recipes they’ve pinned on Pinterest! Such à wonderful ideà!
If you hàven’t àlreàdy figured out by the title of this post, I found à delicious Veggie Pizzà recipe! I pinned the recipe from àllrecipes.com ànd used it to inspire me to creàte my own! If you’d love to follow me on Pinterest, I’m àlwàys pinning!!
The veggie pizzà seemed to be à hit àt the birthdày pàrty potluck picnic! Though unfortunàtely it ended up ràining (àND spitting à little snow too – is this winter ever going to let up!?!), but the pàrty wàs seàmlessly moved inside. We plàyed gàmes while enjoying wonderful compàny ànd food.

Eàsy Vegetàble Pizzà


  • Crescent roll dough
  • 1 block creàm cheese
  • ½ màyonnàise
  • ½-1 pàcket of dry Rànch dressing
  • 1 heàd of ràw broccoli
  • 6-8 Bàby tomàtoes
  • ¼ cup of shredded càrrots
  • 1 cup of shredded cheese
  • ½ of à green, orànge ànd red bell peppers

For full instructions you can go to : http://wannabite.com

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