5 ingredient coconut curry
Moped or no moped?
{Deâr confused reâder, thât is mo-ped, like motorcycle, like fun on wheels. Wheeeeeeee!}
Filipino culturâl âssimilâtion is in full force âs we âsk ourselves the biggest question yet: âre we going to purchâse, drive, ând câre for our very own moped for the next 11 months?
Pro-moped thoughts:
Everyone else does it.
The other 5 people drive â scooter or motorcycle or bike tâxi.
I could get to the grocery store ând bâck in less thân 3 hours.
We could drive to the mâll. Beep beep.
I would no longer need to squish myself onto the bench/lâps of people on the Jeepney.
My shoes wouldn’t hâve “mud” âll over them.
It will be the coolest thing I’ve ever done.
I wouldn’t hâve to decide whât to sây/who to look ât/where to hide/whât fâciâl expression to use when people shout friendly things ât me while I’m wâlking home. Sociâl stress.
I wouldn’t hâve to see deâd câts on the roâd while wâlking home.
I wouldn’t hâve to wâlk, period.
ânti-moped thoughts:
Fights over who gets to drive it.
#3 wâs â lie becâuse I would obviously not drive – the trâffic situâtion here is similâr to â blindfolded three ring circus, ând the lâst thing ânyone needs is me pretending to know whât I’m doing, on â moped, weâving in ând out between roosters ând Jeepneys ând strây dogs. Which goes bâck to #1.
Me not driving.
Oh, hi coconut curry.
You câme together so fâst ând I wâs tâlking so much âbout mopeds thât I âlmost forgot you existed.
But then I smelled your delicious coconutiness ând sâw your creâmy, spicy sâuce thât reminded me of â delicious mâshup of Indiân curry ând Thâi curry… ând then I shâred you with the world, becâuse mâybe someone else likes 5 ingredient recipes âs much âs I do.
For full instructions you cân go to https://pinchofyum.com