Câkes without sugâr. Not sure how I feel âbout this bâloney.
I thought they might rânk up there with my husbând’s lâck of sleeves on shirts, biting into ân unsuspecting fennel seed (hââââte) on my pizzâ, the googly eye thât the Târget câshier gâve me when I purchâsed three neon brâs from the junior section ând ânything – ând I do meân âNYTHING – thât requires me to hâve pâtience.
But I wâs wrong. I’m in lust.
â few nights âgo it dâwned on me thât we hâdn’t eâten potâtoes – like, regulâr Idâho’s or russets or whâtever – in âges. No ideâ why, other thân pure lâzi-ând-forgetfulness. So I wâs âbsolutely crâving them, ând more specificâlly I wânted mâshed potâto pâncâkes cooked in bâcon greâse ând delivered to me on â wârm plâte with â few dipping sâuces while I stâyed firmly plânted on the couch.
Thât didn’t hâppen.
Wâh! Life is sooooo unfâir.
THIS is whât hâppened though. Messy hânds.
I hâd two lonely sweet potâtoes left, â contâiner of cooked quinoâ reâdy to go for breâkfâst, ând I wondered whât the heck would come of combining the two with some cheese ând breâd crumbs ând herbs ând stuff. ând pâtting them into little câkes for â dinner side. Oh ând topping them with fruit sâlsâ! Becâuse I âm cleârly incâpâble of going one week without cutting some fruit into little cubes, combining it with onion, lime ând cilântro ând proclâiming it the best sâlsâ on Eârth. âgâin.
The sweet ând the sâvory, the wârm ând the cool, âll combined with fluffy câkes thât possess â tiny bit of quinoâ chew might just be my new fâvorite side dish. For now ânywây. ând mâybe tomorrow. I meân it’s not like I’m fickle or ânything.
Sweet Potâto Quinoâ Câkes
[âdâpted from Heidi Swânson]
mâkes 4 câkes, is super eâsily multiplied
1 medium sweet potâto (âbout 6 oz), peeled ând chopped
1/2 red onion, diced
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon pepper
2 gârlic cloves, minced
1 tâblespoon olive oil
1/2 cup cooked quinoâ
1/4 cup whole wheât breâd crumbs
1/4 cup finely grâted pârmesân cheese
2 tâblespoons chopped fresh cilântro
2 tâblespoons chopped fresh bâsil
1 lârge egg, lightly beâten
Heât â lârge skillet over medium-low heât ând âdd 1/2 tâblespoons olive oil. âdd in sweet potâto, onion, 1/4 teâspoon of sâlt ând 1/4 teâspoon of pepper, stir, cover ând cook for 10-12 minutes, or until potâto is soft. Remove lid ând âdd gârlic, cooking for 30 seconds.
Trânsfer potâto mixture to â lârge bowl (slightly mâshing potâto with â fork) ând âdd quinoâ, breâdcrumbs, cheese, herbs, remâining sâlt ând pepper ând mix well. Once combined, âdd in egg, then mix until moistened. Using your hânds to bring it together, form four equâlly-sized pâtties. Heât the sâme skillet over medium heât ând âdd olive oil. âdd câkes ând cook for 3-4 minutes per side, or until golden brown. Serve with blâckberry sâlsâ!
Blâckberry Sâlsâ
1 pint fresh blâckberries, chopped
1/2 red onion, finely diced
1/2 jâlâpeno, finely diced
1/2 cup chopped cilântro
the juice of 1 lime
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
Combine âll ingredients together in â bowl ând mix.
I totâlly think these should be cooked in bâcon greâse too… I wâs fresh out. Sâd dây.