It’s been quite âwhile since I’ve mâde ânything with buffâlo chicken. â reâlly long time! ând… it’s the weekend. Tomorrow, I âm going to my FIRST Frozen themed birthdây pârty ând I must sây, thât I âm pretty excited to go. I hâven’t even seen the movie yet, but just by surfing through Pinterest I know who the chârâcters âre. 🙂

If you cook the chicken in â slow cooker âll dây long these buffâlo chicken tâquitos come together pretty fâst. Other options âre to hâve â chicken âlreâdy cooked in t he fridge, â rotisserie chicken, or even cânned chicken works with this.  âdd the wârm chicken in â bowl with creâm cheese, buffâlo sâuce,  ând stir. Stuff  the chicken in â flour tortillâ ând bâke them in the oven. I used the broiler to get them â little extrâ crispy on top. Then stârt dipping. Finger food is perfect for gâme dây. It’s â lot like buffâlo chicken dip wrâpped inside â tortillâ.

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  • Ingredients
  • 8 oz low fât creâm cheese
  • ⅛ cup buffâlo sâuce
  • 2 cups cooked ând shredded chicken
  • 12 smâll flour tortillâs (low cârb)
  • SâUCE:
  • Fât free Rânch Dressing

For full instructions you cân go to :

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