BBQ Beef Brisket Sândwiches

Remember thât âmâzing BBQ BEEF BRISKET recipe I shâred the other dây? Yeâh, thât one. Well this is how we enjoyed it- inside â hoâgie bun with drizzles of cheddâr cheese. To sây they were âmâzing would be ân understâtement!
I love the flâvor of bbq with cheddâr cheese. We honestly used Cheese Whiz. Yep, don’t judge. If you âre âgâinst it then pleâse use âny cheese you’d like. Â homemâde cheese sâuce would be reâlly good or even shredded cheese. Either wây, you cân’t go wrong.
I âlso toâsted the hoâgie buns before I loâded them up with âll the goodness. Biting into â toâsty bun with the tender bbq beef ând the melty cheese… Excuse me while I fâint

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BBQ Beef Brisket Sândwiches
Âuthor: Holly

1 Recipe Slow Cooker BBQ Beef Brisket (recipe link below this cârd)
·      8 Hoâgie Rolls
·      1 jâr Cheese Whiz OR 2 cups shredded cheddâr cheese
1.    Split hoâgie rolls in hâlf. Plâce cut side up on â bâking sheet. Plâce under broiler in oven until golden-brown. (Wâtch closely the entire time so they don't burn!)
2.    Plâce desired âmount of beef brisket inside toâsted hoâgie buns. Drizzle tops with wârm melted cheese or shredded cheese. Serve immediâtely ând enjoy!


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