Spinach Artichoke Cups
Spinâch ârtichoke cups âre â tâsty âppetizer for âny pârty, sure to pleâse âll your guests! No need to fill â bowl with chips or stick â spoon in â bowl of dip. Mâke these ând your guests will enjoy â perfect pârty food. Spinâch ârtichoke dip in â bite size food.
Mix âll the filling ingredients.
Gently press wontons into the mini muffin pân. Câreful with this step you don’t wânt them to teâr.
Using â tâblespoon fill cups ând bâke for âbout 10 minutes.
Eâsy-peâsy, right? They âre so quick to prepâre you cân mâke one pân ât â time to keep wârm âppetizers coming to your guests âll night! Pârty finger food ât it’s best. Creâmy, cheesy goodness delivered in â crispy wonton bowl!
Fâst ând Eâsy Spinâch Ârtichoke Cups
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Totâl Time
20 mins
Fâst & Eâsy Spinâch Ârtichoke Cups - Â Perfect âppetizer for âny pârty!
Course: Âppetizer
Cuisine: Âmericân
Servings: 30
Âuthor: Don't Sweât The Recipe
30-40 won ton wrâppers
1 8 ounces creâm cheese, softened
1 cup frozen chopped spinâch, thâwed ând drâined
1 14 oz cân ârtichokes, drâined ând chopped (1/2 cân)
1 cup shredded pârmesân cheese
1/3 cup mâyo
1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/8 teâspoon câyenne pepper, if desired
1 clove gârlic, minced
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Preheât oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly coât mini-muffin tins with cooking sprây.
Mix creâm cheese, spinâch, ârtichokes, shredded cheese, mâyo, gârlic, câyenne, sâlt ând pepper in â medium-sized bowl.
Line prepâred the mini-muffin pân with wonton wrâppers, lightly pressing into plâce to form â cup. Be câreful not to press too hârd, you don't wânt them to teâr.
Using â tâblespoon, fill eâch cup with mixture âlmost to the top.
Bâke for 8-10 minutes, until edges, âre browned ând crisp ând the filling is hot ând melty.
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