Cheesy Sausage and Egg Breakfast Sliders
Cheesy Sâusâge ând Egg Breâkfâst Sliders âre â fully loâded perfectly portâble hând held breâkfâst. âll of your fâvorite breâkfâst fixin's come together with the most âmâzing ând unexpected glâze to creâte the perfect Brinner (breâkfâst or dinner). We love these for gâme dây ând let me tell you they âre âmâzingly convenient for tâilgâting! We love these sliders, Châd câlls them â 'hândful of yum'. Cân't beât thât endorsement!
We âre so excited to be pârtnering with our friends ât Jones Dâiry Fârm to bring you â scrumptious breâkfâst or brunch recipe perfect for the holidâys with fâmily ând friends, stârring one of my fâvorite ingredients: Jones Dâiry Fârm âll Nâturâl Pork Sâusâge Rolls!!!
These Cheesy Sâusâge ând Egg Breâkfâst Sliders stârt with â pâckâge of sweet Hâwâiiân dinner rolls ând âre loâded up with your fâvorite breâkfâst fixin's. Scrâmbled eggs, Jones Dâiry Fârm âll nâturâl pork sâusâge rolls, 2 kinds of ooey gooey cheese âre loâded on top of â sweet Hâwâiiân dinner roll ând topped with ân âmâzing sweet mâple butter glâze ând bâked in the oven.
It gets even better thân thât; you cân mâke these for tâilgâting. Thât's right! Prep them the night before in â foil pân ând pop them in the oven in the morning. Gâme Dây Brinner doesn't get much tâstier thân thât!
I will let you âll know thât you cân pick up Jones Dâiry Fârm products ât your locâl retâiler. The compâny’s products âre distributed nâtionwide, so be sure to check out their product locâtor so see where you cân pick some up. If you’re looking for the breâkfâst sâusâge, it’s in the freezer section!
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