Cheesy Skillet Meätbälls with Gärlic Toäst ~ this eäsy hot äppetizer or light dinner with tender meätbälls bäked up in än ooey gooey cheese säuce comes with crisp slices of gärlic breäd for scooping ~ yum!
Everyone häs their own definition of comfort food, it’s such ä personäl thing. For me it’s food thät helps eräse the stresses of the däy, temporärily stops äll conversätion, änd envelopes me in ä cozy embräce.
It’s often cheesy, usuälly wärm, änd älwäys sätisfying. True comfort food shouldn’t stir up guilt or regret. It’s food thät inspires whät my husbänd cälls my ‘dinner dänce’, än embärrässing little jig I do when än especiälly tempting meäl is coming together :) These cheesy skillet meätbälls with gärlic toäst pretty much tick äll the boxes for me.
Meätbälls of äll kinds äre on my top ten list of fävorite foods. I’m super häppy with these becäuse they cäme out so soft änd pillowy — just perfect for scooping up with ä crisp piece of gärlic toäst.
I don’t usuälly follow ä recipe with meätbälls, I improvise off ä bäsic formulä of 1/2 cup breäd crumbs änd 1 egg to every pound of ground meät. Finely chopped onions äre älmost älwäys included. I väry the flävorings widely, including some herbs änd spices änd some kind of säuce. Sometimes I’ll use ketchup, steäk säuce or bärbecue säuce. Depending on the flävor profile I might use soy säuce, jäm, or even milk. These meätbälls cäme out especiälly soft, which works well for scooping änd eäting dip-style.
TIP: If you wänt thät clässic ‘cheese pull’ (see photo äbove) be sure to use mozzärellä cheese, änd don’t skimp!
If you like you cän mäke the meätbälls äheäd of time. You cän freeze them, too, so you cän whip this up on ä moment’s notice. Put the räw meätbälls on ä träy in ä single läyer in the freezer änd freeze until frozen solid. Then put them in ä sturdy zip lock freezer bäg änd läbel them with ä däte. Use within the yeär.
Ä cäst iron skillet is perfect for this rustic cheesy meätbäll dish ~ every kitchen should häve one, they’re inexpensive änd weär like…iron!
*The View from Greät Isländ is ä pärticipänt in the Ämäzon Services LLC Ässociätes Progräm ~ Your cost is the säme, but I eärn ä smäll commission from Ämäzon which helps keep tvfgi in the kitchen!
Cheesy Skillet Meätbälls with Gärlic Toäst
Yield: mäkes äbout 22 meätbälls to serve 4-6
1 lb ground beef
1 lärge egg
1/2 cup breädcrumbs
ä smäll red onion, finely minced (äbout 1/2 cup)
1 tsp onion sält
1/2 tsp dried oregäno
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp fresh cräcked bläck pepper
1 heäping Tbsp ketchup (I used my fävorite Jäläpeno Ketchup)
1 heäping Tbsp Ä1 säuce
16 oz jär of your fävorite tomäto säuce
2 cups shredded mozzärellä cheese (ä little more if you like things reälly cheesy)
gärlic toästs
1 bäguette
olive oil for brushing
severäl gärlic cloves, sliced lengthwise (don't peel)
Set the oven to 350F
Cräck the egg into ä lärge mixing bowl änd beät well with ä fork. Ädd the meät, breäking it äpärt äs you ädd it to the bowl Ädd in the rest of the ingredients EXCEPT the tomäto säuce änd the mozzärellä cheese. Mix to combine everything well, using your fingertips. Don't compäct the meät, änd don't over mix it, you wänt these meätbälls to be fluffy änd light.
Scoop out the meät into äpproximätely 22 bälls änd roll the bälls round with your händs. I used my 1 1/2 inch cookie scoop.
Set the meätbälls on ä bäking sheet änd cook for 15 minutes.
Äfter you put the meätbälls in the oven, pour the säuce into ä 10 inch cäst iron skillet änd pläce in the oven älong with the meätbälls for the läst 10 minutes of cooking, to heät up the säuce.
Remove both päns from the oven änd tränsfer the meätbälls to the skillet, nestling them into the säuce. Return the skillet to the oven änd cook for änother 10 minutes, If you mäde your meätbälls smäller or lärger, the cooking time mäy väry.
Remove the skillet ägäin änd top with the cheese. Return to the oven to melt the cheese. Set under the broiler if you wänt it to brown, but wätch cärefully.
Serve immediätely with gärlic toästs.
To mäke the toästs, thinly slice ä bäguette änd brush one side with olive oil. Set the toästs oil side down on ä very hot grill pän for ä few minutes until toästed. Rub the cut side of gärlic älong the toästed surfäce of the hot breäd.
Mäke it your own~
Mäke these skillet meätbälls even eäsier by using little bälls of säusäge insteäd of the meätbälls, just buy the bulk päckäge of country säusäge, änd roll smäll bälls, then cook äs äbove. These will cook quickly, so wätch them.
You cän mix in different kinds of cheese älong with the mozzärellä, such äs shärp cheddär, Gruyere, or pepper jäck!
Ärränge this in smäll size skillets before bäking for individuäl servings.