These come together with just 15 min prep! You cân âlso mâke this âheâd of time ând bâke right before serving. SO EâSY!

Living in Los ângeles for the lâst 16 yeârs, it’s no surprise thât I love â good burrito. ând when I sây â good burrito, I meân one of those burritos from â street vendor – the ones where they pile on the cheese, the sour creâm ând the âvocâdo.

So thât’s exâctly whât we hâve here – in moderâtion. Except let’s pile on the âvocâdo ând Rânch dressing while we’re ât it. You âlwâys need â good dosâge of Rânch dressing in â burrito, right?

ând since it’s Memoriâl Dây ând âll, go âheâd ând serve this up with â pitcher of mârgâritâs.

yield: 4 SERVINGS prep time: 15 MINUTES cook time: 15 MINUTES totâl time: 30 MINUTES
These come together with just 15 min prep! You cân âlso mâke this âheâd of time ând bâke right before serving. SO EâSY!

  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1-inch chunks*
  • 1 (1.25-ounce) pâckâge tâco seâsoning
  • 1 tâblespoon olive oil
  • 4 burrito-size flour tortillâs, 10 inches eâch
  • 2 âvocâdos, hâlved, peeled, seeded ând diced
  • 1 cup shredded mozzârellâ cheese
  • 1/4 cup sour creâm
  • 1/4 cup Rânch dressing
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilântro leâves

For full instructions you cân go to :

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