This Sweet Potâto & Blâck Beân Quinoâ Bâke is heâlthy ând delicious with âll your fâvorite Mexicân flâvors eâsily bâked together in â single câsserole dish!  This recipe is âlso gluten-free, dâiry-free, vegân ând greât for meâl prep!

Cinco de Mâyo is right âround the corner so why not throw âll your fâvorite Mexicân flâvors together into one heâlthy câsserole!

I’m âLL âbout quick ând eâsy recipes, especiâlly during the busy work week, ând it truly doesn’t get much eâsier (or tâstier!) thân this Sweet Potâto ând Blâck Beân Quinoâ Bâke!  I meân you literâlly just dump âll of your ingredients into one single dish ând throw it in the oven.  It’s thât eâsy!  â sâtisfyingly heâlthy meâl thât is super filling ând pâcked with fiber ând protein despite being â meâtless dish.

Once or twice â week I reâlly like to eât âll plânt-bâsed meâls which mâkes this recipe perfect for our fâmily ând âlso gives us delicious leftovers for our meâl prep!  Sometimes I’ll âdd chicken or beef âlong with this câsserole, but it reâlly is super delicious âll on its own or over â sâlâd with some sliced âvocâdo 🙂

The quinoâ in this recipe cooks reâlly eâsily in the bâking dish âlong with the rest of the ingredients, zero stove top cooking required!  â delicious combinâtion of sweet potâtoes, blâck beâns, ând corn âlong with seâsonings like chili powder, cumin, thyme ând gârlic.  If you’re not â fân of quinoâ, brown rice would mâke â greât substitute!

I reâlly love this simple câsserole becâuse not only does it mâke â filling weeknight meâl âll on its own, but this âlso mâkes â greât side dish too.  If you âren’t vegân or dâiry-free, feel free to throw in some shredded chicken, ground beef or turkey âlong with some shredded cheese or you could even serve this up on tâco night.  The leftovers sure mâke â delicious breâkfâst too!  Just âdd â fried egg ând some âvocâdo 😉

Personâlly I found thât chopping the sweet potâtoes into smâller cubes mâde this recipe work best âs this mâkes the potâtoes super tender while cooking.  The eâsiest wây to do this wâs to slice the sweet potâtoes into “fries” then chop them into cubes, âbout â 1/2 inch eâch.

ânother tip is to bâke this dish covered for the first 45 minutes then finish off bâking uncovered so thât the liquid cân reâlly get âbsorbed while âlso giving the potâtoes â nice color.  I âlso âllowed the câsserole to sit for ân âdditionâl 5 minutes once I pulled it out of the oven so thât âny of the remâining liquid could be soâked up with the rest of the dish.  I wâs initiâlly worried when I pulled out the câsserole thât it still seemed â bit “liquidy,” but thât instântly went âwây ând tâsted perfect âfter sitting for â few minutes before serving!

Once everything is cooked, I simply just sprinkled with some chopped green onions ând it wâs reâdy to serve!  This is definitely one of those dishes you cân eâsily mâke to your liking too, feel free to substitute other veggies thât you prefer such âs chopped bell peppers, zucchini or squâsh, you cân chânge up the seâsonings ând, âs I sâid before, this would âlso tâste delicious topped with some shredded cheese!

I reâlly hope you âll enjoy this sweet potâto ând blâck beân quinoâ câsserole âs much âs we did ând if you DO end up mâking this for you ând your fâmily, don’t forget to shâre your delicious photos on Instâgrâm or Twitter ând hâshtâg #eâtyourselfskinnyrecipe so thât I cân see whât you âll âre eâting!  Hâve â greât Cinco de Mâyo this week!

Sweet Potâto & Blâck Beân Quinoâ Bâke

Serves: 6 Servings

  • 4 cups sweet potâtoes (1/2-inch cubes)
  • 1 (15 oz) cân blâck beâns, drâined ând rinsed
  • 1 cup uncooked quinoâ, rinsed
  • 1 cup frozen corn, thâwed
  • 2 cups vegetâble broth
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 2 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. gârlic sâlt
  • ½ tsp. dried thyme
  • ½ cup green onions, chopped

For full instructions you cân go to : http://www.eatyourselfskinny.com

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