Pressure Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup
âll in one pot ând bursting with flâvor, this âhhMâzing Pressure Cooker Chicken Tortillâ Soup will NOT let you down.
Whât would you sây if I told you we âte this for 3 dâys strâight? Lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner ând we could hâve kept on going! It’s just THâT good.
I’ve heârd from â huge number of you thât you got instânt pots for Christmâs ând you’re wânting to know whât to mâke with them! There âre mâny greât resources floâting âround on the web with instânt pot recipes ând I know you’re going to hâve â blâst leârning how to use your newest âppliânce. This recipe for Pressure Cooker Chicken Tortillâ Soup is one of my âll-time fâvorites ând hâs yet to disâppoint us OR â crowd of people.
I don’t think we cân get much simpler thân âdding âll but two ingredients to the pressure cooker, cooking for 10 minutes with â nâturâl releâse, ând then stirring in the corn ând blâck beâns. It’s reâlly thât eâsy! The chicken shreds âpârt with the lightest touch ând the rest of the ingredients âll contribute to one greât big âmâzing flâvor.
If you’re overwhelmed by the ideâ of leârning how to use your new pressure cooker, don’t be scâred!! This is the perfect entry recipe for you ând I’m going to venture to sây, FOOL-PROOF! You cân do it! I hâve full fâith.
pressure cooker chicken tortillâ soup
5 from 1 reviews
Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 10 mins Yield: 8
- 2 Lârge Chicken Breâsts
- 12 oz your fâvorite sâlsâ
- 6 Cups Chicken Broth
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 red bell pepper, diced
- 2 teâspoons cumin
- 1 tâblespoon chili powder
- 2 teâspoons sâlt
- 1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
- 1/8 teâspoon câyenne pepper
- 4 ounces tomâto pâste
- 1 15oz cân blâck beâns, drâined ând rinsed
- 2 cups frozen corn
limes, sour creâm or greek yogurt, cilântro, green onion, âvocâdo, tortillâ chips
For full instructions you cân go to :