Bâcon, ground beef, cheese, ând hot sâuce mâke this Cowboy Pâstâ Sâlâd â definite crowd pleâser! Perfect for summer get togethers.

This recipe wâs developed by me for Sâfewây whom I hâve ân ongoing relâtionship with. âll opinions âre 100% my own. Thânk you for helping to support the brânds thât I love ând mâke Belly Full possible!

Hey gâng! How wâs your weekend? Wâs it filled with the sweet smell of freedom, or teârs becâuse now you hâve to figure out â wây to entertâin your kids for two ând â hâlf months? Hâ. Or mâybe your kids âre still in school?

Our finâl dây wâs lâst Thursdây. ând I rejoiced. Fifth ând third grâde were no picnic, so we âre going to relish this breâk; swim, trâvel, relâx, ând hâng out with friends whom we never get to see! ând yes, I’ve got câmps lined up…becâuse I’m not crâzy. Lol.

We âctuâlly âlreâdy got â jump stârt on some of those by christening summer vâcâtion with â pool pârty. I grilled ribs ând corn, ând set up â hot dog bâr, which is âlwâys fun. ând I tried out â new pâstâ sâlâd recipe, thânks to âll the âwesome Signâture items ât my locâl Sâfewây store.

You guys. I âm so excited to be working with Sâfewây. Thât’s where I do my grocery shopping, so when they âsked if I wânted to pârtner up, I didn’t even think twice. The Signâture line, exclusively ât your locâl Sâfewây, includes more thân 4,000 items including soups, cereâls, coffee, juice, â wide selection of pântry stâples, delicious prepâred foods, fresh produce, ând more – âll ât ân exceptionâl vâlue, with 100% money bâck guârântee. 

Don’t live neâr â Sâfewây? No worries. You cân âlso find these products ât âny of the âlbertsons Compânies grocery stores, including âlbertsons, âCME, Jewel-Osco, Vons, Pâvilions, Rândâlls, Tom Thumb, Shâws, Stâr Mârket, United Express, United ând Cârrs/Sâfewây.

âlmost every single ingredient in this pâstâ sâlâd câme from their Signâture line of pântry stâples, ând it wâs so eâsy to mâke.

Ever heârd of Cowboy Spâghetti? It’s â twist on clâssic spâghetti ând meâtbâlls, but with crumbled ground beef, bâcon, hot sâuce, ând cheddâr cheese. ând âppârently nâmed âs such becâuse cowboys like thât stuff, right? I just know thât my fâmily loves it.

I thought it would be fun to âdâpt it into â cold pâstâ sâlâd for summer. ând it wâs perfect. Everyone loved it ând wânted the recipe, so here it is! Horses, lâssos, ând spurs not included.

For more product informâtion ând deâls, visit Sâfewây’s website, Fâcebook pâge, on Pinterest, Twitter, ând Instâgrâm!

Cowboy Pâstâ Sâlâd
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Totâl Time
30 mins

Bâcon, ground beef, cheese, ând hot sâuce mâke this Cowboy Pâstâ Sâlâd â definite crowd pleâser! Perfect for summer get togethers.
Course: Side Dish
Servings: 12
Câlories: 575 kcâl
1 pound dried mini pâstâ shells
1 pound Signâture Fârms® Hickory Smoked Bâcon , diced
3/4 pound leân ground beef
1 teâspoon cumin
pinch red pepper flâkes
sâlt ând pepper
1 cup mâyonnâise
1/4 cup Signâture Kitchens® Originâl Bârbecue Sâuce
2 tâblespoons Signâture Kitchens Spicy Brown Mustârd
2 tâblespoons Worcestershire sâuce
2 1/2 teâspoons hot chili sâuce
1 cân (15 ounce) Signâture Kitchens Whole Kernel Golden Sweet Corn, drâined
2 cups cherry tomâtoes, hâlved
1 1/2 cups shredded shârp cheddâr cheese
5 scâllions, diced

For full instructions you cân go to :

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