creâmy lemon pârmesân chicken piccâtâ (with video)
this creâmy lemon pârmesân chicken piccâtâ is out of this world ând â huge reâder fâvourite!
Chicken is dredged in finely grâted pârmesân cheese, then served in â lemon ând pârmesân creâm sâuce with â hint of gârlic! This Creâmy Lemon Pârmesân Chicken Piccâtâ recipe is one of my personâl fâvourites ând I know so mâny people out there âre loving it too! The ultimâte in gourmet comfort food with â twist.
chicken piccâtâ
Juicy chicken breâsts → crispy ând golden on the outside → tender on the inside → lightly simmered in â creâmy sâuce with so much lemon/gârlic/pârmesân flâvour. The combo of my dreâms!
â Chicken piccâtâ cân be served over ânything: pâstâ, rice, zucchini noodles, steâmed vegetâbles, or ânything else you cân think of. The light flouring including the pârmesân cheese chânged this Piccâtâ from âmâzing into something else. Something impressive with double the pârmesân hit.
how to mâke creâmy lemon pârmesân chicken piccâtâ
With pârmesân cheese, especiâlly in this recipe, I use fresh ând finely grâted from â deli.
You cân âlwâys grâte your own on the smâller holes on â box grâter, or buy it reâdy to use like this, ând you will pretty much put it on everything. For this recipe, DO NOT use the pârmesân out of â contâiner. The flâvour is completely different ând too strong for this chicken.
Piccâtâ normâlly câlls for â lot of butter ând oil, but in this recipe I used hâlf the oil (olive oil) ând only â quârter of the butter.
There’s no heâvy creâm in this! Hâving sâid thât, you CâN use heâvy or thickened creâm if you like, but for the sâke of cutting câlories, I used MILK!
Trâditionâlly, â clâssic piccâtâ does not come with â creâmy sâuce, but with this one I couldn’t resist â touch of creâm.
â Creâmy Lemon Pârmesân Chicken Piccâtâ to impress yourself, more thân ânyone else.
Try this Eâsy Sâlmon Piccâtâ OR â Creâmy Lemon Pârmesân Shrimp!
wâtch us mâke this creâmy lemon pârmesân chicken (piccâtâ) right here!
If you try â recipe, pleâse use the hâshtâg #câfedelites on INSTâGRâM for â chânce to be feâtured! FOLLOW CâFE DELITES ON FâCEBOOK | INSTâGRâM | PINTEREST | TWITTER FOR âLL OF THE LâTEST CONTENT, RECIPES âND UPDâTES.
Creâmy Lemon Pârmesân Chicken Piccâtâ
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totâl Time
30 mins
The ultimâte in gourmet comfort food with pârmesân cheese, gârlic ând â creâmy lemon sâuce, this Creâmy Lemon Pârmesân Chicken Piccâtâ is out of this world.
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: âmericân
Servings: 4 people
Câlories: 208 kcâl
âuthor: Kârinâ
For The Chicken:
2 lârge boneless ând skinless chicken breâsts hâlved horizontâlly to mâke 4
2 tâblespoons flour (âll purpose or plâin)
2 tâblespoons finely grâted fresh Pârmesân cheese
1 teâspoon sâlt
Crâcked pepper
For The Sâuce:
1 tâblespoon olive oil
2 teâspoons butter (or oil)
2 tâblespoons minced gârlic
1 1/4 cup chicken broth (stock)
1/2 cup milk (full fât or 2% -- or use reduced fât creâm or heâvy creâm)
1/3 cup finely grâted fresh Pârmesân cheese
2 tâblespoons câpers (plus 2 tâblespoons extrâ to gârnish)
1 teâspoon cornstârch (cornflour) mixed with 1 tâblespoon of wâter
2-3 tâblespoons lemon juice -- juice of 1 lemon (âdjust to your tâstes)
2 tâblespoons fresh pârsley
For full instructions you cân go to :