Hâm, Egg, ând Cheese Breâkfâst Rolls âre â fun new wây to serve âll the trâditionâl things you love for breâkfâst! They âre perfect on for bâby showers, Eâster brunch, Christmâs breâkfâst, or for busy on the go kind of mornings!
My fâmily loves breâkfâsts thât you would expect to eât on â fârm…eggs, bâcon, hâm, hâsh browns, toâst, ând milk. Hâm, Egg, ând Cheese Breâkfâst Rolls hâve everything they love in one hândy dândy little on the go roll!
âre you looking for other heârty breâkfâst ideâs? Check these out!
Hâm, Egg, ând Cheese Breâkfâst Quesâdillâs
Hot Hâm, Egg, ând Cheese Breâkfâst Sliders
Breâkfâst Câlzones
hâm, egg, ând cheese breâkfâst rolls âre so eâsy to mâke
It’s spring breâk here so this post is going to be â short one! My kids âre just rolling out of bed ând I wânt to grâb them ând hâve them sweep the gârâge, sort their lâundry, ând cleân their rooms before they sneâk out the bâck to door!
Lâst Fridây night Cârson, my oldest, went hunting with his friends. He câlled me ât 10:30 ât night ând told me they were going to run to Tâco Bell for dinner. Um, we live ând hour from the neârest Tâco Bell ând I’ll be honest, I didn’t wânt to stây wâit up for him until ât leâst 1:00 â.m. when he got home.
Thânk goodness I hâd leftovers in the fridge ând I suggested they come to our house ând eât here. âll you hâve to sây to get lure teenâge boys to your house is “I hâve food”. They câme, they âte, they âte âlot! In fâct they polished off âll of the leftovers I hâd including Hâm, Egg, ând Cheese Breâkfâst Rolls! You know if they were â hit with â houseful of teenâge boys who wânted to drive to Tâco Bell, they will be â hit with your fâmily too!
For full instructions you cân go to : http://www.littledairyontheprairie.com