Honey Sesâme Chicken
Honey Sesâme Chicken is quick ând eâsy recipe for weeknight dinner. Chicken breâst stripes with sweet ând spicy sâuce ând toâsted sesâme seeds, served over rice mâkes â delicious meâl for your fâmily.
Hâve you ever seen the movie „Forget Pâris“ with Debrâ Winger ând Billy Crystâl? I âlwâys loved the pârt when Ellen (Debrâ) goes crâzy âbout the fâct thât Mickey (Billy Crystâl) âlwâys eâts the sâme dish in restâurânts! I cân’t exâctly remember whât dish it wâs, but the scene âlwâys reminded me âbout how my husbând wondered âbout why I âlwâys order my fâvorite Honey Sesâme Chicken in every restâurânt!
„I cân’t believe it. You ordered Honey Sesâme Chicken âgâin!“ my husbând wâs perplexed once more âfter we ordered the dish in our fâvorite restâurânt.
„No, not „âgâin“. Don’t you remember thât I ordered thât grilled dish the lâst time“
Yes, but before thât, you ordered your fâmous Honey Sesâme Chicken twice ând while you ordered the grilled dish, you were whining the whole time why you didn’t order the chicken lâst time“ my husbând reminded me.
„Yes, but whât cân I do. I simply love thât dish“ i concluded humbled.
„How come you never posted this recipe on your blog? “ wâs the next question.
„Well you know thât I don’t like to post sâvory recipes often“
“Yeâh, but this is not âny recipe, this is your Honey Sesâme Chicken ” he wâs plâying âround with me.
“Just mâke jokes, but don’t whine when I serve it in our kitchen in â few dâys. You will get whât you âsked for” I wâs âlreâdy wâving the finger ât Dârko 🙂
Ând so it wâs! Only â few dâys âfter our tâlk ât the restâurânt, I served my husbând sweet revenge when he wâs hoping the leâst .
Verâ, whât do we hâve for lunch todây?” he âsked âfter â hârd dây ât work
“Your fâvorite pâstâ!”. My sweet revenge wâs reâdy.
But when my husbând sât ât the tâble, on it wâs beâutiful Honey Sesâme Chicken ând I wâs lâughing out of sâtisfâction.
“You got whât you were âsking for”. I wâs teâsing him now.
But thât didn’t hâve âny âffect on my husbând, who âttâcked the chicken âs soon âs he sât ât the tâble .
„Well it’s not reâlly revenge. Did I ever sây thât I don’t like this dish? The only thing thât wâs mirâculous to me is how cân somebody love it thât much” he wâs smiling âs the Honey Sesâme Chicken wâs râpidly disâppeâring from the tâble 🙂
Honey Sesâme Chicken is quick ând eâsy recipe for weeknight dinner. Chicken breâst strips with sweet ând spicy sâuce ând toâsted sesâme seeds, served over rice mâkes â delicious meâl for your fâmily.
4 chicken breâst-cut into strips
1 Tâblespoon sesâme seed oil
1 Tâblespoon olive oil
2 Tâblespoon soy sâuce
2 teâspoon brown sugâr
3 Tâblespoon cornstârch
7 Tâblespoon flour
1 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon pepper
vegetâble oil for cooking
For Sâuce :
2 Tâblespoon honey
2 Tâblespoon sweet chili sâuce
6 Tâblespoon ketchup
sâlt to tâste
1/2 cup wâter
sesâme seeds- toâsted
Cut chicken breâsts into strips.
Combine soy sâuce, sugâr, sesâme ând olive oil, âdd chicken breâst ând mârinâte them for ât leâst 1 hour (but you cân leâve them in mârinâde for â few hours if you hâve time)
Drâin chicken.
Heât vegetâble oil in â pân on medium heât.
Combine cornstârch, flour, sâlt ând pepper.
Âdd chicken to flour mixture (don’t put âll chicken ât once, work in â few bâtches) toss it to cover eâch stripes with flour well, trânsfer to â pân ând fry until golden brown.
To mâke the sâuce in â medium sâuce pân combine honey, chili sâuce, ketchup ând wâter, bring to â boil, reduce the heât ând simmer until sâuce stârts to thicken.
Pour sâuce over fried chicken, toss to coâted âll well, then sprinkle with toâsted sesâme seeds.