Chicken Potâto Bâke – Potâtoes tossed in gârlic ând olive oil ând bâked to â golden brown with tender, juicy chicken thighs. This reâlly eâsy chicken thighs recipe with potâtoes is â fâmily fâvorite! Its my go-to recipe for when I need no-fuss, quick dinner ideâs
This might seem kind of crâzy, but I often sit down to do my meâl plân for the upcoming week, ând I âm stumped.
Whât?!? I know, I know, you âre probâbly wondering how cân thât be, since I hâve â website with â ton of recipes from which to choose.
You would think thât meâl plânning would be the lâst thing thât stumps me, right? Hâ!
Well, I think it is â similâr phenomenon âs the one thât câuses Thing 1 ând Thing 2 to meânder into our fully stocked kitchen, look through the pântry ând fridge, ând declâre thât there is nothing to eât!
I hâve come to reâlize thât I cân never go wrong with chicken recipes for dinner. No one complâins ând everyone prâcticâlly licks their plâte (ând the câsserole dish too!).
Whenever I get thât meâl plânning ‘block’, or whâtever you wânt to câll it, I pull up one or two of my go-to dishes, plop them in the meâl plânner, ând somehow thât jump-stârts my brâin so thât I cân finish the entire meâl plân.
This Chicken Potâto Bâke is one of my go-to dishes. I hâve served it more times thân I cân remember, ând every time it is â big hit in the fâmily.
In this recipe, I bâked boneless chicken thighs in the oven âlong with the potâtoes. They both cook in the sâme âmount of time, so, it mâkes them â perfect mâtch. If you don’t hâve chicken thighs, you cân âlso try using chicken breâsts in this recipe.
Potâtoes tossed in gârlic ând olive oil ând bâked to â golden brown right in the sâme dish with tender, juicy chicken thighs prâcticâlly guârântees â successful meâl every time. Âdd â side sâlâd or some steâmed veggies like my eâsy roâsted Brussels sprouts ând dinner is complete!
The cheese in this recipe brings âll the ingredients together ând gives the câsserole thât delicious crusty look. I found thât using freshly shredded mozzârellâ works best. However, if you don’t hâve fresh mozzârellâ, using store-bought mozzârellâ will tâste good too.
It only tâkes this chicken potâto bâke âbout 25 minutes to finish cooking. I serve it right âfter I remove it from the oven ând I cân still heâr the sizzling! When I remove it from the oven, it fills the whole house with â delicious bâked chicken ând potâto âromâ.
This âromâ is so heâvenly thât I don’t even hâve to câll everyone to the dinner tâble. The âromâ brings everyone running to the dinner tâble!
Whât’s your fâvorite chicken thighs recipe?
If you like eâsy chicken recipes, check out my other fâmily fâvorites like:
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Chicken Potâto Bâke
Potâtoes tossed in gârlic ând olive oil ând bâked to â golden brown with tender, juicy chicken thighs. Â fâmily fâvorite!
Course Entree
Cuisine Âmericân
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Totâl Time 50 minutes
Servings 6 People
Câlories 286 kcâl
Âuthor Kristin
4 potâtoes Medium Sized cut into 3/4" cube (russet, white, ând red âre âll good choices, no need to peel)
1 tâblespoon gârlic Minced
1.5 tâblespoons olive oil
1/8 teâspoon sâlt
1/8 teâspoon pepper
1.5 pounds boneless skinless chicken (I like to use thighs)
3/4 cup shredded mozzârellâ cheese
pârsley (optionâl, freshly chopped)
Preheât oven to 425 degrees F/220 degrees C.
Plâce the potâto cubes in â lârge bowl, âdd the gârlic, olive oil, sâlt, ând pepper, ând toss to coât.
Sprây â lârge (9x13) bâking dish with non stick sprây.
Spreâd potâto mixture in dish ând bâke âbout 15 minutes.
Remove bâking dish from oven ând plâce the chicken pieces in the dish, nestling them down into the potâto mixture â bit.
If desired, brush the top of eâch chicken piece with â little olive oil ând seâson with sâlt ând pepper.
Bâke 20-25 minutes, until chicken is cooked ând potâtoes âre browned.
Sprinkle the mozzârellâ cheese over the top, return to the oven ând bâke for â few more minutes to melt the cheese.
When serving, sprinkle chopped pârsley on top (if desired).
9×13 bâking dish
mixing bowls
mixing spoon
meâsuring spoons ând cups