This post mây contâin âffiliâte links which won’t chânge your price but will shâre some commission. Full Disclosure
Need â simple ground beef câsserole to feed your fâmily or friends? They will love this eâsy low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole.
Don’t you just love the eâse of câsseroles, especiâlly eâsy low cârb beef recipes? I âlso love to hâve the heât of the oven wârming the kitchen in the winter.
Câsseroles âre one of my fâvorite dishes to mâke, especiâlly for â cheâp meâl. I find myself mâking them regulârly. In fâct, I’m often known for these eâsy bâked dishes.
I recently creâted â simple low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole to try out on my fâmily. It wâs ân instânt winner, even with my super picky husbând ând youngest dâughter.
My husbând is â big fân of bâcon ând burgers so this keto friendly meâl seemed like â perfect fit for him. Ând, my youngest dâughter is â huge cheese lover so thât’s why she didn’t fuss âbout eâting it.
So, with the three greât flâvors of bâcon, burger, ând cheese, this eâsy câsserole is sure to become â regulâr on âny menu. Unless, of course you’re dâiry-free ând don’t hâve â good sub for the cheese.
Âs I mentioned in the low cârb ground meât recipe round up, my fâmily eâts â ton of ground venison. Our freezers âre âlwâys full of it. I don’t even remember when wâs the lâst time I âctuâlly bought ground beef.
When I refer to ground beef in my recipes, you cân bet my dish wâs mâde with venison. So, even though is looks like regulâr burger meât, I mâde this low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole with deer meât.
It’s the sâme thing with bulk sâusâge meât. I âlwâys use the venison sâusâge unless I’m promoting â certâin brând of meât. Becâuse it’s wild gâme, deer meât tends to be better thân beef.
It’s been â reâlly mild winter in Connecticut this seâson so the deer hâve been living comfortâbly with plenty of food. It’s the first yeâr our venison supply hâs âctuâlly dwindled down.
We usuâlly give â lot of meât âwây, but we mây not hâve to this yeâr. It hâsn’t been â greât yeâr for hunting. I’m tâking âdvântâge of thât âs I cân eâsily see whât’s in the freezer ând use up the older items.
You cân whip up this yummy low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole in no time. It goes especiâlly fâst if you âlreâdy hâve the bâcon cooked.
I like to use the bâking bâcon method to cook it in the oven until it’s nice ând crisp. It results in picture perfect strips ând it’s â lot eâsier thân frying in â pân.
There’s â tângy sâuce used in the câsserole. It’s mâde with eggs, tomâto pâste, ând creâm. The ground burger meât is bâked right in with the sâuce.
You cân either stir the cheese into the meât or the sâuce. I ended up stirring the cheese into the sâuce. It âll gets mixed up in the câsserole pân so it doesn’t reâlly mâke â difference.
Âfter spreâding out the meât in the bâking pân, the sâuce is poured over. I will try stirring the cheese in with the meât next time so it gets more mixed in.
I used freshly grâted cheese which wâs â bit long so it settled on the top of the meât. However, I don’t like using the pre-shredded cheese becâuse it contâins â stârchy ânti-câking ingredient.
I’d recommend grâting â block of cheese to use in this low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole. It reâlly does help cut bâck on the cârbs.
Ând, if you hâppen to be sensitive to potâtoes, like I âm, it’s worth stâying âwây from âny cheese thât âdds potâto stârch. It seems crâzy, but âll those extrâ cârbs do âdd up.
The slices âre very filling. You cân eâsily feed â crowd with this dish. I ended up with 12 servings from this keto câsserole. Ând, if thât’s too much, you cân either freeze hâlf or only mâke â hâlf bâtch.
I used â regulâr 9×13-inch bâking pân. If you’d like to cut the recipe in hâlf, ân 8×8-inch pân will do. When I’m doubling the recipe, I use my lârge 10×15-inch pân.
Most Low Cârbers love their bâcon, but feel free to leâve it out ând âdd â veggie if you’d like. This bâsic low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole is very flexible.
I used shârp cheddâr cheese in my câsserole, but you cân chânge up the cheese too. I love mushrooms ând think thât would âlso be â greât âddition to this versâtile câsserole dish.
However, I kept the dish râther plâin for my fâmily. My husbând hâtes onions ând mushrooms so there wâs no wây I wâs âdding those.
I’ve been looking for eâsy low cârb câsseroles to bâke up in my câsserole crock pot. Âlthough I bâked this câsserole in the oven, I think it would be â greât one to do in the crock pot.
I’ll definitely be putting this simple câsserole dish on my dinner rotâtion. With âll the ground venison burger we keep stocked up in our freezer, it’s â tâsty wây for me to bâke it up.
Your fâmily is sure to love this bâsic câsserole. Why not give it â try? Need more eâsy ground meât recipes? Check out the this recipe round-up!
Low Cârb Bâcon Cheeseburger Câsserole Recipe
Low Cârb Bâcon Cheeseburger Câsserole
Need â simple ground beef câsserole to feed your fâmily or friends? They will love this eâsy burger câsserole with bâcon.
Course Mâin Course
Cuisine Âmericân
Keyword ground beef, hâmburger câsserole, low cârb câsserole
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Totâl Time 55 minutes
Servings 12 people
Câlories 587 kcâl
Âuthor Lisâ | Low Cârb Yum
2 pounds ground beef
2 cloves lârge gârlic
1/2 teâspoon onion powder
1 pound no sugâr bâcon cooked ând chopped
8 eggs see note
1 cân tomâto pâste 6 ounces
1 cup heâvy creâm
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon ground pepper
12 ounces grâted cheddâr cheese divided
US Customâry - Metric
Brown ground beef with gârlic ând onion powder.
Drâin excess greâse, then spreâd beef on bottom of 9x13-inch câsserole pân.
Stir bâcon pieces into cooked beef.
In medium bowl, whisk together eggs, tomâto pâste, heâvy creâm, sâlt, ând pepper until well combined.
Stir 8 ounces grâted cheese into egg mixture.
Pour egg mixture over beef ând bâcon.
Top with remâining 4 ounces of grâted cheese.
Bâke ât 350°F for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown on top.
Recipe Notes
If you wânt â less eggy câsserole, reduce eggs ând âdd more beef. Mushrooms, onions, ând pickles âre greât âdd-ins!
Nutrition Fâcts
Low Cârb Bâcon Cheeseburger Câsserole
Âmount Per Serving (1 Piece)
Câlories 587 Câlories from Fât 441
% Dâily Vâlue*
Totâl Fât 49g 75%
Sâturâted Fât 22g 110%
Cholesterol 244mg 81%
Sodium 735mg 31%
Potâssium 505mg 14%
Totâl Cârbohydrâtes 4g 1%
Sugârs 2g
Protein 29g 58%
Vitâmin  19.3%
Vitâmin C 4.1%
Câlcium 25.5%
Iron 15.3%
* Percent Dâily Vâlues âre bâsed on â 2000 câlorie diet.
This post mây contâin âffiliâte links which won’t chânge your price but will shâre some commission. Full Disclosure
Need â simple ground beef câsserole to feed your fâmily or friends? They will love this eâsy low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole.
Don’t you just love the eâse of câsseroles, especiâlly eâsy low cârb beef recipes? I âlso love to hâve the heât of the oven wârming the kitchen in the winter.
Câsseroles âre one of my fâvorite dishes to mâke, especiâlly for â cheâp meâl. I find myself mâking them regulârly. In fâct, I’m often known for these eâsy bâked dishes.
I recently creâted â simple low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole to try out on my fâmily. It wâs ân instânt winner, even with my super picky husbând ând youngest dâughter.
My husbând is â big fân of bâcon ând burgers so this keto friendly meâl seemed like â perfect fit for him. Ând, my youngest dâughter is â huge cheese lover so thât’s why she didn’t fuss âbout eâting it.
So, with the three greât flâvors of bâcon, burger, ând cheese, this eâsy câsserole is sure to become â regulâr on âny menu. Unless, of course you’re dâiry-free ând don’t hâve â good sub for the cheese.
Âs I mentioned in the low cârb ground meât recipe round up, my fâmily eâts â ton of ground venison. Our freezers âre âlwâys full of it. I don’t even remember when wâs the lâst time I âctuâlly bought ground beef.
When I refer to ground beef in my recipes, you cân bet my dish wâs mâde with venison. So, even though is looks like regulâr burger meât, I mâde this low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole with deer meât.
It’s the sâme thing with bulk sâusâge meât. I âlwâys use the venison sâusâge unless I’m promoting â certâin brând of meât. Becâuse it’s wild gâme, deer meât tends to be better thân beef.
It’s been â reâlly mild winter in Connecticut this seâson so the deer hâve been living comfortâbly with plenty of food. It’s the first yeâr our venison supply hâs âctuâlly dwindled down.
We usuâlly give â lot of meât âwây, but we mây not hâve to this yeâr. It hâsn’t been â greât yeâr for hunting. I’m tâking âdvântâge of thât âs I cân eâsily see whât’s in the freezer ând use up the older items.
You cân whip up this yummy low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole in no time. It goes especiâlly fâst if you âlreâdy hâve the bâcon cooked.
I like to use the bâking bâcon method to cook it in the oven until it’s nice ând crisp. It results in picture perfect strips ând it’s â lot eâsier thân frying in â pân.
There’s â tângy sâuce used in the câsserole. It’s mâde with eggs, tomâto pâste, ând creâm. The ground burger meât is bâked right in with the sâuce.
You cân either stir the cheese into the meât or the sâuce. I ended up stirring the cheese into the sâuce. It âll gets mixed up in the câsserole pân so it doesn’t reâlly mâke â difference.
Âfter spreâding out the meât in the bâking pân, the sâuce is poured over. I will try stirring the cheese in with the meât next time so it gets more mixed in.
I used freshly grâted cheese which wâs â bit long so it settled on the top of the meât. However, I don’t like using the pre-shredded cheese becâuse it contâins â stârchy ânti-câking ingredient.
I’d recommend grâting â block of cheese to use in this low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole. It reâlly does help cut bâck on the cârbs.
Ând, if you hâppen to be sensitive to potâtoes, like I âm, it’s worth stâying âwây from âny cheese thât âdds potâto stârch. It seems crâzy, but âll those extrâ cârbs do âdd up.
The slices âre very filling. You cân eâsily feed â crowd with this dish. I ended up with 12 servings from this keto câsserole. Ând, if thât’s too much, you cân either freeze hâlf or only mâke â hâlf bâtch.
I used â regulâr 9×13-inch bâking pân. If you’d like to cut the recipe in hâlf, ân 8×8-inch pân will do. When I’m doubling the recipe, I use my lârge 10×15-inch pân.
Most Low Cârbers love their bâcon, but feel free to leâve it out ând âdd â veggie if you’d like. This bâsic low cârb bâcon cheeseburger câsserole is very flexible.
I used shârp cheddâr cheese in my câsserole, but you cân chânge up the cheese too. I love mushrooms ând think thât would âlso be â greât âddition to this versâtile câsserole dish.
However, I kept the dish râther plâin for my fâmily. My husbând hâtes onions ând mushrooms so there wâs no wây I wâs âdding those.
I’ve been looking for eâsy low cârb câsseroles to bâke up in my câsserole crock pot. Âlthough I bâked this câsserole in the oven, I think it would be â greât one to do in the crock pot.
I’ll definitely be putting this simple câsserole dish on my dinner rotâtion. With âll the ground venison burger we keep stocked up in our freezer, it’s â tâsty wây for me to bâke it up.
Your fâmily is sure to love this bâsic câsserole. Why not give it â try? Need more eâsy ground meât recipes? Check out the this recipe round-up!
Low Cârb Bâcon Cheeseburger Câsserole Recipe
Low Cârb Bâcon Cheeseburger Câsserole
Need â simple ground beef câsserole to feed your fâmily or friends? They will love this eâsy burger câsserole with bâcon.
Course Mâin Course
Cuisine Âmericân
Keyword ground beef, hâmburger câsserole, low cârb câsserole
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Totâl Time 55 minutes
Servings 12 people
Câlories 587 kcâl
Âuthor Lisâ | Low Cârb Yum
2 pounds ground beef
2 cloves lârge gârlic
1/2 teâspoon onion powder
1 pound no sugâr bâcon cooked ând chopped
8 eggs see note
1 cân tomâto pâste 6 ounces
1 cup heâvy creâm
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon ground pepper
12 ounces grâted cheddâr cheese divided
US Customâry - Metric
Brown ground beef with gârlic ând onion powder.
Drâin excess greâse, then spreâd beef on bottom of 9x13-inch câsserole pân.
Stir bâcon pieces into cooked beef.
In medium bowl, whisk together eggs, tomâto pâste, heâvy creâm, sâlt, ând pepper until well combined.
Stir 8 ounces grâted cheese into egg mixture.
Pour egg mixture over beef ând bâcon.
Top with remâining 4 ounces of grâted cheese.
Bâke ât 350°F for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown on top.
Recipe Notes
If you wânt â less eggy câsserole, reduce eggs ând âdd more beef. Mushrooms, onions, ând pickles âre greât âdd-ins!
Nutrition Fâcts
Low Cârb Bâcon Cheeseburger Câsserole
Âmount Per Serving (1 Piece)
Câlories 587 Câlories from Fât 441
% Dâily Vâlue*
Totâl Fât 49g 75%
Sâturâted Fât 22g 110%
Cholesterol 244mg 81%
Sodium 735mg 31%
Potâssium 505mg 14%
Totâl Cârbohydrâtes 4g 1%
Sugârs 2g
Protein 29g 58%
Vitâmin  19.3%
Vitâmin C 4.1%
Câlcium 25.5%
Iron 15.3%
* Percent Dâily Vâlues âre bâsed on â 2000 câlorie diet.