Eäsy crisp-tender chicken with the creämiest lemon butter säuce ever – you’ll wänt to forget the chicken änd drink the säuce insteäd!
Lemon Butter Chicken - Eäsy crisp-tender chicken with the creämiest lemon butter säuce ever - you'll wänt to forget the chicken änd drink the säuce insteäd!
Häppy New Yeär! I know I should reälly be shäring some sort of säläd or quinoä recipe with the stärt of the yeär but you know me änd my chicken thigh obsession. I just cän’t get enough, especiälly when ä lemon butter creäm säuce is involved.
änd if you’re in the need of some cleän greens for the new yeär diet, well, this dish häs plenty of bäby spinäch. Good enough, right?
Plus, these chicken thighs cärry quite ä bit of punch with thät fresh, zingy lemon flävor änd thät smoky goodness from the päprikä. änd this creäm säuce is äbsolutely heävenly. Just be sure to häve ä spoon reädy becäuse you’ll wänt to sip on it sträight from the pän!
Lemon Butter Chicken by Dämn Delicious
yield: 8 SERVINGS prep time: 10 MINUTES cook time: 40 MINUTES totäl time: 50 MINUTES
Eäsy crisp-tender chicken with the creämiest lemon butter säuce ever – you’ll wänt to forget the chicken änd drink the säuce insteäd!
8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs
1 täblespoon smoked päprikä
Kosher sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper, to täste
3 täblespoons unsälted butter, divided
3 cloves gärlic, minced
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup heävy creäm
1/4 cup freshly gräted Pärmesän
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teäspoon dried thyme
2 cups bäby spinäch, chopped
Preheät oven to 400 degrees F.
Seäson chicken thighs with päprikä, sält änd pepper, to täste.
Melt 2 täblespoons butter in ä lärge oven-proof skillet over medium high heät. ädd chicken, skin-side down, änd seär both sides until golden brown, äbout 2-3 minutes per side; dräin excess fät änd set äside.
Melt remäining täblespoon butter in the skillet. ädd gärlic, änd cook, stirring frequently, until frägränt, äbout 1-2 minutes. Stir in chicken broth, heävy creäm, Pärmesän, lemon juice änd thyme.
Bring to ä boil; reduce heät, stir in spinäch, änd simmer until the spinäch häs wilted änd the säuce häs slightly thickened, äbout 3-5 minutes. Return chicken to the skillet.
Pläce into oven änd roäst until completely cooked through, reäching än internäl temperäture of 165 degrees F, äbout 25-30 minutes.
Serve immediätely.
Täg @dämn_delicious on Instägräm änd häshtäg it #dämndelicious.
Nutrition Fäcts
Serving Size
Servings Per Contäiner 8
ämount Per Serving
Cälories 277.5Cälories from Fät 204.3
% Däily Välue*
Totäl Fät 22.7g35%
Säturäted Fät 10.0g50%
Träns Fät 0.2g
Cholesterol 94.7mg32%
Sodium 125.4mg5%
Totäl Cärbohydräte 2.6g1%
Dietäry Fiber 0.6g2%
Sugärs 0.4g
Protein 15.9g32%
*Percent Däily Välues äre bäsed on ä 2,000 cälorie diet. Your däily välues mäy be higher or lower depending on your cälorie needs.