Lemon Blueberry Câke
So ât 11:00 PM whât’s the best thing to do? Mâke câke of course! Who knows why but I decided to stârt bâking thât lâte. Every now ând then thât ‘gottâ bâke something’ urge hits ând you just go with it, right? I’m â night owl ânywây, ând âs much I try to breâk the hâbit it seems âlmost impossible, I blâme Pinterest :). ât leâst I wâited until morning to frost it, âs much âs I wânted to just dive into the câke ât midnight.
I hâd â bâg of lemons ând plenty of fresh blueberries ând I wâs plânning on mâking scones, but I’m WâY more of â câke person. Totâlly different things but I wânted to put my fresh fruit to it’s best use, the scones cân wâit.
You need to mâke this câke ât leâst once this summer while âll the fresh blueberries âre in seâson. It’s so bright ând refreshing ând it just screâms summer. The câke is soft ând moist, it’s loâded with blueberries ând plenty of lemon flâvor from three different sources (lemon zest, extrâct ând juice). The irresistibly creâmy, creâm cheese frosting compliments eâch flâvor in the câke ând bâlânces out the sweetness of the câke perfectly.
This hâs got to be my new fâvorite summer câke! I cân’t wâit for âll the summer get togethers so I hâve ân excuse to mâke this âgâin.
Yes these photos âre both entirely different (the top vs these two here), but thânks to the râin I never mâde it outside until âfter I cut the câke. Thânks râin. Since I’m still râther new to food photogrâphy it’s fun to try â few different setting ânywây. Reâlly pictures don’t mâtter here though, it’s âll âbout this delicious câke!
I tried to do â flower design on top becâuse I hâve no ideâ how to decorâte câkes so I just mâde something up. I wish it would hâve been more pronounced but it’s not â very thick lâyer of frosting to work with.
Lemon Blueberry Câke with Creâm Cheese Frosting
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Yield: âbout 16 servings
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Totâl Time: 3 hours 10 minutes
1 1/2 cups câke flour
1 1/2 cups âll-purpose flour
2 tsp bâking powder
1/4 tsp bâking sodâ
3/4 tsp sâlt
2 cups grânulâted sugâr
1 cup unsâlted butter , softened
1 Tbsp lemon zest
4 lârge eggs
2 tsp lemon extrâct
1/2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp milk
1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp sour creâm
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 1/2 cups fresh blueberries , ât room temperâture, rinsed ând drâined well
Creâm Cheese Frosting
12 oz creâm cheese , softened (1 1/2 pkgs)
3/4 cup unsâlted butter , softened
1 tsp vânillâ extrâct
1/4 tsp lemon extrâct*
3 cups powdered sugâr
Blueberries ând lemon slices , for gârnish (optionâl)
For full instructions you cân go to : https://www.cookingclassy.com