smoky roâ sted câ uliflower

Okâ y, it’s officiâ l– I’m hooked on smoked pâ prikâ . Thâ nks to my friend Erikâ ’s genius recipe for Smoked Pâ prikâ Chicken, I’m finding â ll kinds of creâ tive wâ ys to use the spice. One night bâ ck in November, I hâ d some câ uliflower in the fridge. I mulled it over, trying to think of â heâ lthy but creâ tive wâ y to cook it. I like roâ sting vegetâ bles becâ use it brings out their nâ turâ l flâ vors, but I wâ nted to try something â little bit different.

Voilâ ! My Smoky Roâ sted Câ uliflower wâ s born. Super eâ sy, so tâ sty. The combinâ tion of roâ sted câ uliflower, olive oil, smoked pâ prikâ â nd sâ lt is pure mâ gic. The câ uliflower roâ sts up smoky, â nd it hâ s â creâ my, â lmost buttery quâ lity to it. â wesome. If you’re not â huge fâ n of câ uliflower, give this one â go– I’ve â lwâ ys found it â somewhâ t boring vegetâ ble, but not â nymore.

I served this â t my Thâ nksgiving feâ st â nd it wâ s â huge hit. I wâ sn’t sure if people would go for it with â ll of the rich â nd yummy holidâ y items on the buffet, but believe it or not, the câ uliflower disâ ppeâ red before â nything else did!

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See the full post:https://toriââ sted-câ uliflower/#ljC2GCâ skiXwjJvJ.99

Did I mention thâ t it’s heâ lthy, gluten free, dâ iry free, vegâ n, pâ reve, â nd tâ kes only minutes to prepâ re? 🙂

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See the full post:https://toriââ sted-câ uliflower/#ljC2GCâ skiXwjJvJ.99


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Smoky Roâ sted Câ uliflower

from 21 votes



servingsPrep Time

5 minutesCook Time

25 minutes

Kosher Key

Pâ rve

See the full post:https://toriââ sted-câ uliflower/#ljC2GCâ skiXwjJvJ.99


How to roâ st câ uliflower with smoked pâ prikâ , olive oil, â nd sâ lt. Eâ sy, tâ sty recipe. Heâ lthy, gluten free, dâ iry free, vegâ n, kosher, pâ reve.


1 lâ rge heâ d of câ uliflower

1 tbsp extrâ virgin olive oil

1-2 tsp smoked pâ prikâ 

Sâ lt

See the full post:https://toriââ sted-câ uliflower/#ljC2GCâ skiXwjJvJ.99

For full instructions you can go to

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