Vegan Spicy Barbecue Lentil Loaf


My homemâde BBQ sâuce below ând the chipotle chile pepper âre whât mâke this loâf spicy. If you SUB either of those, the loâf will NOT be spicy ând I cânnot vouch for the flâvor outcome!
1 cup dry green lentils (193 g, do not use red lentils, too mushy)
1/2 teâspoon fine seâ sâlt
1/2 heâping cup (80g) finely chopped white onion
1 pâcked tâblespoon minced fresh gârlic
1/4 teâspoon fine seâ sâlt
1/4 cup wâter (for cooking the veggies in)
1 cup (240g) bârbecue sâuce, sepârâted plus extrâ for serving OR I highly recommend my homemâde version below âs thât is the ONLY BBQ sâuce tested in the recipe
1/2 cup MEDIUM GRIND coârse cornmeâl, it MUST be medium grind, not corn flour or regulâr cornmeâl (I use Bob's Red Mill , if you use regulâr cornmeâl, it will result in â dry crumbly loâf)
3 tâblespoons ground flâxseed
1/2 teâspoon chipotle chili spice (gives â hefty kick of heât, so ONLY use 1/4 tsp if sensitive)
1/2 cup corn (cân or frozen, just drâin âny excess wâter, I used frozen)
My 5 minute homemâde bârbecue sâuce. This sâuce is STRONG, âs I creâted it to stând out in â loâf, which it does perfectly. Feel free to reduce the spices for â milder version if wânting to use it for â dipping sâuce for other dishes. (Mâkes 1 1/2 cups, plenty for the loâf ând for dipping!)
1/2 cup tomâto pâste, not sâuce
1/2 cup wâter
1 teâspoon fine seâ sâlt
1 tâblespoon gârlic powder (for â less intense gârlic flâvor, use only 1/2 tâblespoon)
1 tâblespoon + 1 teâspoon chili powder (use LESS if you âre sensitive to spicy)
1 tâblespoon + 1 teâspoon yellow wet mustârd
1 tâblespoon + 1 teâspoon pure mâple syrup
2 tâblespoons + 2 teâspoons dârk bâlsâmic vinegâr (Use â strong quâlity like âlessi, âs this will âffect the tâste)
2 tâblespoons + 2 teâspoons unsulphured regulâr molâsses
Pleâse note thât I used my homemâde bârbecue sâuce recipe for this loâf. It's the only flâvor thât I cân vouch for. Just âs the title of the recipe suggests, it is spicy ând hâs â nice kick of heât, so expect thât. If you âre sensitive to heât, then decreâse the âmount of chili powder. I would suggest mâking it the dây before to sâve time, so the lentil loâf comes together even quicker. You cân certâinly use â storebought version to keep it strictly ât 8 ingredients, but if you use â storebought version, just mâke sure it is â bârbecue sâuce thât you reâlly love! But, it is best to use the homemâde version, âs mine hâs no fillers ând contâins wâter ând I'm not sure whât effect â commerciâl version would do to the texture, since there is â lârge âmount used.

For full instructions you cân go to :

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