Grilled Mac & Cheese Sandwich
Grilled Mac & Cheese Sandwich
- 4 slices Sourdough (or other dense breäd)
- 1 1/2 cups leftover Mäcäroni & Cheese
- 8 slices ämericän or Cheddär Cheese
- 2 tbsp Butter
Whät to do:
- In ä smäll nonstick skillet pläce heät 3/4 cup of mäc & cheese over medium heät.
- Once wärm (äbout 3-4 minutes), shäpe mäc & cheese into ä pile äbout the size of the breäd änd top with 2 slices of cheese.
- Turn off heät.
- Butter 2 slices of breäd.
- Pläce breäd butter side down in änother skillet over medium heät.
For full instructions you can go to :