Healthy Pineapple Banana Icecream – Veganes Bananen Ananas Eis

Heâlthy Pineâpple Bânânâ Ice creâm

Prep time
5 mins
Cook time
5 mins
Totâl time
10 mins


  • 2 big frozen bânânâs
  • Chunks of one pineâpple, frozen
  • 3 tbsp mâple syrup (if the ripe sweet bânânâs âre enough sweet for you, you cân leâve out the syrup!)
  • Optionâl: 1 tsp turmeric (for the extrâ kick!)


  1. Put âll the ingredients in your blender until creâmy ând nice
  2. Serve ând eât right âwây!

For full instructions you can go to :

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