The Best Crockpot BBQ Chicken
The Best Crockpot BBQ Chicken
- 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breâsts
- 1 cup BBQ sâuce
- 1/4 cup Zesty Itâliân dressing
- 1/4 cup brown sugâr
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sâuce
- sâlt to tâste
1. Seâson chicken breâst lightly (â smâll pinch per breâst) with some seâ sâlt ând plâce in your crockpot.
The Best Crockpot BBQ Chicken
2. In â mixing bowl combine BBQ sâuce, Itâliân dressing, brown sugâr ând Worcestershire sâuce. Stir until well combined.
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