50 High Protein Breakfasts That Are Healthy And Delicious!

It’s been argued that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it can be vital to setting your day up right and helping you feel great. Starting your day off with a healthy breakfast that is packed with protein, good fats and slow release carbohydrates will help you in the morning and throughout the rest of the day and can stop you snacking on something not so healthy before lunch time.

Here are 50 high protein and healthy breakfasts from a variety of amazing food blogs and websites that you will love to eat in the mornings. We will be releasing some recipe lists in the future dedicated to protein pancakes, oats and smoothies that you can combine with this list to give you all that you need to decide what will be best for you to eat when you first wake up! Try your favourites and let us know what you think.


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