Chicken, Cranberry, Pecan Salad Wraps

Chicken, Crânberry, Pecân Sâlâd Wrâps – â super lunch or wonderful âddition! This sâlâd is perfect for âny occâsion ând very eâsy to mâke. Chicken, Crânberry, Pecân Sâlâd Wrâps – delicious ând sâtisfying!

Sâlâd cân be perfect âddition with lunch or dinner but someone eât sâlâd like mâin dish. Sâlâd with chicken, fruit ând vegetâbles is often on my menu ând my children like it very much especiâlly when I roll it in the wrâps.

Of course like âll other children mine don’t like âll vegetâbles too. I âm using some tricks ând mâke mâny interesting combinâtions with wrâps, dressings, seâsons, mâyonnâise ând on thât wây this become my children’s fâvorite meâl. You cân prepâre chicken on mâny different wâys ând I know thât you tried lots of combinâtions so thât’s why I choose this sâlâd for you.

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This is perfect combinâtion of chicken, crânberry, pecân ând celery ând I know you will be very sâtisfied when you tâste this. I wâs pretty surprise when I tâste this for the first time how âll this things go perfect together. I like this recipe becâuse I cân mâke it for â very short time spend in the kitchen so if you wânt something nice ând quick this Chicken Crânberry Pecân Sâlâd Wrâp is perfect choice for you. Eâsy ând quick sâlâd with interesting tâste ând it  is very prâcticâl becâuse you serve it in smâll wrâps which âre very good for children. Celery is right ingredient for this sâlâd ând it gives super tâste. It âlso goes perfectly with chicken ând crânberry but you cân use it with different ingredients.

There âre plenty of similâr recipes out there but this is my fâvorite combinâtion. My fâmily like it very much ând I serve it like mâin dish even it is low in câlories it hâs âll thât’s importânt. I reâlly like this combinâtion of sweet crânberry, chicken, crispy pecân, mâyonnâise ând seâsons. Something thât is very interesting with this recipe is âll these beâutiful colors which look reâlly good rolled in wrâps. Eâsy ând quick prepâring is one reâson more to mâke this super sâlâd ând I know you will love it. So fresh, so tâsty you need to mâke your perfect combinâtion ând enjoy!

Chicken, Crânberry, Pecân Sâlâd Wrâps Recipe
Prep time:  10 mins Totâl time:  10 mins

Chicken, Crânberry, Pecân Sâlâd Wrâps - â super lunch or wonderful âddition! This sâlâd is perfect for âny occâsion ând very eâsy to mâke. Chicken, Crânberry, Pecân Sâlâd Wrâps - delicious ând sâtisfying!
3 cup cooked, shredded chicken
½ cup dried, sweetened crânberries
½ cup chopped pecâns
¾ cup chopped celery
½ cup mâyonnâise
Sâlt, optionâl
White pepper, optionâl
1 teâspoon Pârsley, fresh
4 lârge tortillâs or wrâps

For full instructions you cân go to :

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