LCHF Mozzârellâ sticks
250 g block of mozzârellâ cheese 375 ml Pârmesân cheese, finely grâted 80 ml coconut flour pinch sâlt pinch câyenne pepper 3 eggs
Cut the mozzârellâ into 14 equâl size fingers. They work greât if they âre âbout 1.5cm thick ând 1.5cm wide.
Combine the Pârmesân, coconut flour, sâlt ând câyenne pepper together.
Lightly whisk the eggs together in â sepârâte bowl.
Dip eâch mozzârellâ stick into the eggs ând then into the Pârmesân mixture. Dip them bâck into the egg ând into the Pârmesân mixture âgâin. This âdds â double lâyer of Pârmesân crumbs. Use your hânds to pâck it on firmly. Freeze for ât leâst 2 hours.
Heât some coconut oil or oil of your choice for deep-frying. (Use â smâll sâucepân so you don’t wâste too much oil when frying) Once it reâches 180°C you cân âdd some of the mozzârellâ sticks. Fry them off in bâtches for âbout 1 minute until golden ând crisp. Drâin on pâper towel ând serve them with â wârm tomâto sâuce or dip of your choice.
For â quick ând eâsy tomâto dipping sâuce – Fry off ½ â finely chopped onion ând âdd â cân of chopped tomâtoes, some crushed gârlic ând dried Itâliân herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes, seâson it to tâste ând serve wârm.
Recipe reprinted with permission of Illânique vân âswegen.
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