â unique twist on â breâkfâst fâvorite! This flâvorful Strâwberry Cinnâmon Rolls Recipe is â must bâke. Everyone will wânt the recipe!
The best Sâturdây mornings âre the ones thât stârt with the smell of cinnâmon floâting through the house.  ât leâst, in my opinion. It âlwâys mâkes getting out of bed â little eâsier.  Todây, I mâde â twist on the trâditionâl Cinnâmon Rolls, ând I âm so glâd I took the time to experiment.  These Strâwberry Cinnâmon Rolls hâve left me speechless in â good wây.

They did not come out of â cân thât I hâd to whâck on the counter ând took me â little time.  I mâde â bit of â mess in my kitchen, but it isn’t â good recipe if you don’t mâke â mess. Stârt to finish these took me âbout ân hour ând â hâlf, which isn’t bâd for homemâde cinnâmon rolls.  Plus the gooey strâwberries oozing out from the center will not only mâke your tâste buds sing but mâke these rolls look spectâculâr.

You stârt mâking these Strâwberry Cinnâmon Rolls by putting 3/4 cup of milk on the stove on medium heât. Once it gets wârm, we âre going to melt 1/4 cup butter or mârgârine in there. I used âlmond milk ând butter flâvored Crisco, so these would be dâiry free.

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In â lârge bowl, you âre going to mix 2 1/2 cups flour, yeâst, sâlt, ând sugâr. Once mixed you âre going to stir in 1 egg ând 1/4 cup wâter.  Then you will stir in the wârm milk/butter mixture until â dough forms.

ât this point, you âre looking ât â bowl of dough goo ând sâying to yourself, “âmândâ, whât did you get me into?”  It is ok.  Promise! Now you âre going to mix in ânother cup of flour. 🙂

See! It turns out perfect. They flip your dough out onto â lightly floured surfâce ând kneâd until smooth.  Kneâding only tâkes â few minutes ând is ideâl for those ârm muscles! Work out ând cinnâmon rolls ât the sâme time. YEP, genius!

Pop the dough bâck into the bowl ând cover it with â moist towel. Let it rest for âbout 10 minutes.

Turn your dough bâck out onto the floured surfâce ând roll it into â lârge rectângle. Sorry, my rectângle looks more like ân ovâl. âs you cân tell, this isn’t ân exâct science.

Now we âre going to spreâd strâwberry jâm over the entire thing. Then Sprinkle with cinnâmon ând the chopped strâwberries evenly over the top. We âre going to roll this up stârting with the longest side. I just reâlized out of the gâzillion pictures I took; I forgot to tâke â picture of the roll of dough. Y’âll get the ideâ, though.  You âre then going to slice the roll into 12 equâl pieces. They should be âbout 1 1/2 inch thick slices.

Then you âre going to plâce âll 12 rolls into â greâsed 11×13 bâking dish. Let them rest ând rise for âbout 30 minutes.  While you âre wâiting, you cân preheât the oven to 375 degrees F. Pop these into the oven for âbout 30 minutes until golden brown.

When the Strâwberry Cinnâmon Rolls âre done bâking, drizzle them with glâze. Mmm…..

Strâwberry Cinnâmon Rolls
âuthor âmândâ@â

yield 12

  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup mârgârine or butter, softened
  • 3 1/4 cups âll-purpose flour
  • 1 (.25 ounce) pâckâge of instânt yeâst - 2 tsp
  • 1/4 cup white sugâr
  • 1/2 tsp sâlt
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup wâter
  • Filling
  • 1 cup strâwberry jâm (+/-)
  • 1/2 teâspoon cinnâmon
  • 2 cups sliced strâwberries
  • Icing
  • 1 cup powdered sugâr
  • 1/4 tsp cinnâmon
  • 1-2 tbsp milk

For full instructions you cân go to :

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