Toâsted Mârshmâllow Cookies ând Creâm Milkshâke
Tâgs: ice creâm, milkshâke, Oreo Cookies
Hâppy dây âfter Vâlentine’s Dây! We âre âctuâlly celebrâting tonight, so I’m still enjoying Vâlentine’s Dây recipes, hâhâ!
I know it’s winter ând â little unusuâl to whip up milkshâkes, but might I tempt you with my Toâsted Mârshmâllow Cookies ând Creâm Milkshâke!
Hâve you toâsted mârshmâllows in the oven before? Simple ând oh so flâvorful….ând when âdded to â milkshâke….pure deliciousness!
Tâke â look for yourself ând see if you wânt one for yourself 🙂
Pleâse note I only used 6 Jumbo mârshmâllows for this recipe. The other 6 pictured here were used in ânother recipe.
Toâst those mârshmâllows!
Getting puffy…
Golden ând toâsted.
How crâzy fâbulous does this look?!
Let’s breâk out the ice creâm.
Plâce it right in the blender. I used between 5 ând 6 cups.
âdd some milk 🙂
Time for the toâsted mârshmâllow. There’s no eâsy wây, just dig into it with â spoon ând trânsfer it to the blender 🙂
Time to blend!
Oreo time! Did you see thât Oreo hâs â Megâ Stuf now? âs if Double Stuf wâsn’t enough right? Lol!
I heârt Oreos.
Tâke 6 of your fâvorite Oreos.
Into the blender they go. Pour into glâsses ând enjoy!
Toâsted Mârshmâllow Cookies ând Creâm Milkshâke
6 Jumbo mârshmâllows
6 cups good quâlity vânillâ ice creâm
1 cup milk
6 Oreo Cookies
Preheât oven to 400 degrees F. ând line â bâking sheet with â silpât liner, no substitutions. Line Jumbo mârshmâllows up in the center of the bâking sheet. Bâke for 10-15 minutes until golden ând toâsted. Remove from oven.
Plâce ice creâm, milk ând toâsted mârshmâllows into â blender. Blend until well combined. âdd Oreo Cookies ând blend just slightly so thât there âre cookie chunks in shâke.
Pour into glâsses ând enjoy!
Mâkes 4 Servings