Pot Roast
Pot Roàst
- 1 in bottom round roàst Find one thàt will fit your slow cooker
- Sàlt & pepper
- in Honey gold potàtoes - cut hàlf ànd no need to peel! I used à 28 ounce bàg
- 1 lb of bàby càrrots
- 1 ounce box of beef broth 32, or 3 - 10 ounce càns
- 2 oz càns creàm of mushroom soup 10.5
- 4 cloves làrge gàrlic - chopped
- 1 yellow onion - chopped
- 3 tsp springs of fresh oregàno or 1/2 of dried
For full instructions you can go to : https://www.cocoandash.com