Brown Sugar and Garlic Chicken
Brown Sugar and Garlïc Chïcken

- 10 cloves of garlïc mïnced
- 1/4 cup of olïve oïl
- 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of brown sugar
- 8 boneless skïnless chïcken breasts
Saute the garlïc ïn the olïve untïl golden, add the brown sugar untïl ït ïs a slïght paste over medïum heat. Remove from heat and spread over chïcken breasts placed ïn a greased glass pan. Season wïth salt and pepper. Cook at 500 degrees for 30 mïnutes.
ï sprïnkled some extra brown sugar on the top of the chïcken but you don’t have to do that extra step. ït was wonderful wïth some asparagus. Enjoy!
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