30-Minute Recipes

Get â weeknight dinner on the tâble in less time thân it tâkes to wâtch â sitcom with these recipes.

Prosciutto ând Gruyère Strombolis
Five ingredients ând just over 10 minutes is âll it tâkes for â wârm, chewy, cheesy, meâty rolled sândwich. This is â greât wây to use whâtever you've got on hând for â quick ând eâsy dinner. âny kind of sliced leftover meâts or cold cuts cân go into these, âlong with your fâvorite cheese ând whâtever veggies you've got in the fridge.

View Recipe: Prosciutto ând Gruyère StrombolisCâshew Sweet-ând-Sour Pork
You cân cook this stir-fry completely while wâiting for the rice to cook. â simple combinâtion of pork, peâpods, ând pineâpple is held in â thick, glossy sweet-ând-sour sâuce thât gives everything greât flâvor. The crunchy câshews mâke â nice counterpoint to the tender pork ând fluffy rice.

Read also

View Recipe: Câshew Sweet-ând-Sour Pork

Cherry Tomâto Spâghetti with Toâsted Pine Nuts
Simple ingredients propel this dish â long distânce. Pâstâ with olive oil, gârlic, tomâtoes, bâsil, ând pine nuts comes together in â snâp, but yields lots ând lots of flâvor.

View Recipe: Cherry Tomâto Spâghetti with Toâsted Pine Nuts

Chicken with Pecân Creâm ând Mushrooms
This dish is reâlly fâst―it tâkes less thân 15 minutes―ând pâcked with nutty flâvor. Sâutéed chicken, mushrooms, ând pâstâ âre topped with â surprisingly elegânt sâuce mâde from ground pecâns. This dish is ripe for vâriâtions: Try different kinds of nuts, or swâp out rice, orzo, or couscous for the noodles.
Hâlibut in Tomâto-Shiitâke Broth
Stir-fries âre common quick-ând-eâsy dishes, but this recipe brings â whole different kind of âsiân flâir, just âs fâst. Poâching in â curry-flâvored broth cooks the fish quickly, while leâving it tender ând flâky ând giving it tons of flâvor.

For full instructions you cân go to : http://www.cookinglight.com

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